Recruiting Workers

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Jiang Chuchu took a deep breath and was about to speak when she saw Mei Heng rushing over with the yamen runners.

  The embarrassed Princess Changping was escorted by the bailiffs and dragged away.

  "Thank you, sir." Jiang Chuchu bowed

  "You're welcome. This is my duty. Goodbye."

  Mei Heng took the yamen runners and left without any delay.

  Jiang Chuchu breathed a sigh of relief and started planning the cloth shop with the shopkeeper.

  The cloth shop can be divided into two parts. A row of clothes hangers can be built facing the door, and the counter can be placed on the side. Ask people to build more taller shelves to place better fabrics such as Shu brocade, and ordinary fabrics can be placed near the aisles.

  She pointed to the side near the door, where there was a counter selling small items such as purse handkerchiefs.

  In this way, some little girls come to choose and can be seen from far outside the door.

  People often like to join in the fun, and when they see a lot of people inside, even those who are not buying anything want to go in and take a look.

  If one out of ten buys it, you can make money.

  In this way, imperceptibly, this place will be their first choice next time they need something.

  Jiang Chuchu said, and took two steps forward, pointed to the empty space in front of her, and said to the shopkeeper: "Put the ready-made clothes here."

  Du Bu toured the entire cloth shop and planned a new layout.

  Next is the supply.

  None of the Gu family members know how to do business, and have never thought about making the store bigger and stronger. They have always let things take their course.

  Because of this attitude, the fabrics the shop gets are always the ones left over by others.

  Thanks to the shopkeeper who is a trustworthy person, I didn't make a loss, otherwise I don't know how much I would have lost.

  If you want to become bigger and stronger, you must control the supply of goods in your own hands.

  Otherwise, others can easily control your life and make you lose all your money overnight.

  What Jiang Chuchu lacked was never the method of making fabric.

  "Do you know any reliable women? They should be tight-lipped and good at embroidery."

  The shopkeeper felt that the lady was jumping around too much and was stunned for a few seconds before answering.

  "There are quite a few. They are all people who come to the shop to sell embroidery. They live in poverty and most of them live in South Lane."

  Nanxiang is where poor families live. Most of the men there make a living by hard labor, while the women make a living by washing clothes. Those women who have some skills make a living by embroidering purses.

  When Zhuangzi was building a house before, Yuan Yizi was the person he looked for here.

  Jiang Chuchu nodded: "Then you can tell them that the shop is hiring people, and they need stable employees. The salary is two cents per month, and the working hours are four hours. There are benefits during the Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year's Day."

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