Hot Mutton Soup

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This means she needs more women to work on the job.

  Because she wanted to smuggle the cloth and cotton out of the space, Jiang Chuchu gave this task to Luzhu. Firstly, it was to let Luzhu get in touch with things outside the palace and learn how to manage employees, so that she could help her after she got the hang of it. Secondly, because Luzhu was carefree, as long as she had the account book in her hands, no one would know how much she secretly transported from the space.

  The employees recruited temporarily are all local people of Qingshi County. They know each other well and are easy to manage. Even if there are dishonest ones, if one person makes a mistake, the whole family will be implicated and will no longer be hired, and will be hated by their family members.

  Not everyone wants them. First of all, they have to be clean. Otherwise, the new cotton-padded clothes they make will be dirty. It’s disgusting just thinking about it.

  Secondly, the stitches must be dense and the clothes cannot have any seams. Otherwise, when you are walking on the street, someone may just pull your clothes off, which is extremely embarrassing.

  This was the first time that Luzhu had done something like this. Not only was she a little nervous at the beginning, she was afraid that she would not do a good job and would hire someone who was dishonest and delayed things. She was also afraid that she would not be able to manage the fabric and cotton well.

  For example, the amount of fabric and cotton needed for a top must be strictly controlled. Too little cotton will not keep you warm, too much will make you bulky and wasteful. There are also requirements for fabric, such as how much you should roll up your sleeves and how many inches you should leave. All of these require trial and error.

  Seeing that Luzhu was getting more and more capable, in less than two days, she had produced 500 sets of cotton coats and trousers, 200 quilts, and more than 1,000 pairs of socks made from leftover fabrics.

  These socks are made of leftover fabrics and are of different colors, which seems to affect the appearance. However, since they are worn inside, they cannot be seen from the outside.

  Speaking of this, Jiang Chuchu remembered that there were still some shoes that had not been made.

  Most of the shoes of this era were straw sandals. Some were made of kudzu grass, some had wooden soles, and of course some were made of cotton cloth or animal fur.

  It is winter now, and straw sandals are of no use at all and cannot keep out the severe cold. If you stay outside for a few days, your toes will be frozen off.

  When winter comes, the people of Qingshi County will never go out unless they have something to do, but even so, their feet are still frostbitten.

  Jiang Chuchu was still thinking about what kind of shoes to make when she saw the servant beside Jiang Shian coming to call her.

  Refugees have begun pouring into Qingshi County...

  Jiang Shian had already ordered soldiers to patrol outside the city and arranged for people to make announcements over and over again.

  As long as these people do not make trouble and obey the arrangements, each of them can get two boxes of coarse grains every day. They can also use their household registration to get a large earthenware jar on the side to use for boiling water and cooking. It is up to them.

  Whole grain dumplings are made by mixing wheat flour, corn flour, and sweet potato flour, and then kneading some green vegetables such as cabbage and radish into it.

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