Cotton Clothes And Quilts

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Luzhu couldn't refuse, so she took the hot water bottle and said gratefully, "The eldest son has gone to the government office. The snow came too quickly. I heard that many people were affected by the disaster. The eldest lady is in the backyard accompanying the young master and the young lady."

  Jiang Chuchu sighed: "After the heavy snow, many people will be displaced."

  The people here are too poor and cannot withstand any hardship.

  "Go to the warehouse and see how much material we have left." Jiang Chuchu ordered.

  "Girl!" Luzhu was a little bit incredulous. She knew that the girl wanted to distribute it to the people again, and she disagreed in her heart: "These materials are all good materials. Even if you take them out, how many people can you distribute them to?"

  "Dew, in life, it is enough to have enough things."

  "But we didn't bring much with us. Those materials were carefully selected by you and left behind."

  Jiang Chuchu smiled. She still had a lot of space for these materials, but she had no chance to take them out. But she couldn't say this to Luzhu.

"Didn't you say that there are many girls from landlords who want it? Tell them that we don't want money. We only accept linen and cotton in exchange. If you want these materials, you must exchange them with these things."

  Exchanging with them can only solve the immediate problem and survive the initial days, then supplies from the capital can be delivered.

  In addition to quilts and clothes, some temporary shelters can also be built.

  The snow was too thick and the houses were too dilapidated to bear the weight. Once they collapsed, the people would have no place to live. In such cold weather, people could freeze to death.

  Jiang Chuchu didn't want to see the people freezing to death, so she immediately ran to Jiang Shian to discuss the matter.

  The heavy snow came too suddenly. Jiang Shian was organizing people to patrol and knock on doors every house to check if anyone was injured. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

  Jiang Chuchu opened the lunch box, handed a big meat bun to her eldest brother, took one for herself, sat on the stool, and ate while discussing.

  The fragrant buns were particularly tempting, especially the juice that soaked the bun skin, which made people salivate. Jiang Shian ate three in a row before he burped.

  "I sent people to check several dilapidated houses in the county first, and the damage was not very serious." This made Jiang Shian feel relieved, and he continued to say to Jiang Chuchu, "It's just that the casualties in the villages and towns below have not been reported yet."

  "Look at the snow, it doesn't show any sign of stopping." Jiang Chuchu looked out the window and saw servants sweeping the snow.

  If the snow doesn't stop and the weather keeps getting colder, I'm afraid the people whose houses have collapsed will lose their homes and won't be able to survive.

  "Brother, let's build a house."

  Jiang Shian also agreed, but the heavy snow would make building houses more difficult.

  Jiang Chuchu handed the design drawing she had drawn in advance to Jiang Shian and said, "Let's build this."

  Her drawings were based on modern dormitory designs, with slight modifications made to make them two-story high so that one family could live in one dormitory.

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