Cattle Farm

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They purchased gourmet recipes and processing machines, and put all the cleaned chicken into the machines for processing. The idle farms continued to add chicks of various breeds to start a new round of breeding.

  Seeing that there was still a lot of money left in the system, Jiang Chuchu opened two more farms specifically for raising cattle.

  The underground labor force of this era was entirely dependent on human labor, and the land was reclaimed bit by bit. It was easy to reclaim fertile land, but if you wanted to reclaim wasteland, the weeds, branches, and gravel alone would be enough to worry about.

  Although Jiang Chuchu had never reclaimed wasteland, she had visited the sowing and autumn harvest periods, and had long been thinking about whether there was any way to improve efficiency.

  The first idea was to raise cattle, but in this era, every cow had to be registered with the government, and the supply was unstable. A cow would only give birth to one calf at a time, and it was rare for it to give birth to two, so it was impossible to raise them in large quantities.

  She had a lot of manpower at the time, and she was focused on arranging jobs for all the disabled veterans, so she put the plan of raising cattle on hold.

  But this time Gu Jingyu is leading his troops to the northwest, and they need a lot of food and fodder. It will be okay in the short term, as the emperor is afraid that the Tartars will move south, so he will definitely send enough food and fodder. But after the battle is won, I wonder if the emperor will start to be stingy again like before.

  She hoped that she could help Gu Jingyu, so she came up with the idea of ​​reclaiming wasteland. Although there was no emperor in the capital to open up new land for her, she could go to the northwest. The northwest was vast, and with the system in hand, she was confident that she could turn the barren northwest into a "granary" that everyone would envy.

  She only cultivated two pastures, each of which can harvest 50 cows at a time. The maturity period is 5 days, and in a month, 600 cows can be harvested. This number is enough, and too many will be difficult to manage. Jiang Chuchu firmly believes that no one can become a fat man in one go, and everything should be done slowly with safety as the premise.

  Jiang Chuchu was like a little hamster, constantly hoarding food.


  Northwest, Shilipo.

  The night was shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to tell the direction.

  The only light was the flame from the fire in front of the Tartars' tent.

  Gu Jingyu and his group hid behind the slope, watching secretly.

  This group of Tartars consists of about two hundred people. They swept all the way here and robbed several surrounding villages. Except for some food, they didn't get anything they had looted before. A group of people are resting here, waiting for the main force to join up and attack Feihong County together.

  There are many wealthy families in the county. If we attack them, we will definitely be able to grab a lot of treasures.

  Gu Jingyu took a vicious bite of the hard sesame cake and forced himself to swallow it, choking and almost rolling his eyes.

  The northwest was lost and a lot of territory was seized by the Tartars. The Tartars are in high spirits now, while their morale is low, and they are unable to organize an effective counterattack.

  General Gu acted promptly, rallied the troops, deployed emergency defenses, and firmly held on to the remaining territory.

  A small team was also sent out to closely patrol the surrounding security to prevent the Tartars from oppressing the people.

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