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Chapter 17 Crab roe soup dumplings, salt-baked shrimp, fish balls

  Jiang Chuchu packed up quickly and changed her clothes with the help of Luzhu. Seeing that Gu Jingyu was still practicing martial arts, she prepared to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast herself.

  The crab roe has been prepared in advance, so there is no need to go through the trouble of disassembling the crab. You can just take it out and use it directly, which saves a lot of time.

  Ask someone who knows how to make pastries to knead some dough first, add a little salt while kneading the dough, and while waiting for it to rise, chop some fresh minced meat and mix it with the crab roe and mix well.

  Have someone take out the dough that has been proofed, continue kneading it and stretch it into long strips, then divide it into even-sized dough pieces.

  I watched the maid skillfully roll the dough into a thin skin, put the prepared stuffing in the middle of the skin, and pinch the edges to close it like making dumplings.

  One by one, the exquisite little crab roe buns are out of the oven.

  There was a basket of steamed dumplings in front of each person, and the rest was the breakfast that Gu Jingyu was used to eating.

  The crab roe wrapper is as thin as paper, and the thin outer skin is so transparent that you can see the golden filling inside.

  This is so tempting.

  Gu Jingyu, who had practiced martial arts all day, picked up one bun on a small plate and tapped it lightly with chopsticks, and the whole bun began to tremble.

  "Be careful of the heat. Make a small hole and drink the soup inside first." Jiang Chuchu reminded and picked up a bun to eat.

  Although it had cooled down for a while, the soup still felt hot when he ate it. Gu Jingyu tried to suck it again and felt it was acceptable, so he ate it with confidence. The soup wrapped with crab roe and minced meat was fresh and fragrant. After finishing a basket, Gu Jingyu still felt unsatisfied.

  He trains a lot, practices martial arts all year round, and eats more than ordinary people.

  Jiang Chuchu looked at him enviously, as he could eat anything without gaining weight, and pushed her basket over to him: "I'm full, do you want the rest?"

  Gu Jingyu didn't mind eating his wife's leftovers. Without any hesitation, he took it and started eating.

  A satisfying breakfast can also make people feel better.

  Gu Jingyu, who is in a very good mood, takes a day off today and prepares to take his lovely wife for an outing in the suburbs.


  Jiang Chuchu opened the carriage curtain, looked up at the blue sky, and felt the spring breeze blowing across her face. It was so comfortable that she felt relaxed and wanted to sleep.

  Suddenly a bunch of wild flowers appeared before my eyes.

  The hand holding the wild flower was white and slender, but Jiang Chuchu's sharp eyes noticed the green grass juice appearing on her fingers.

  It is the trace left by the juice secreted after the roots or leaves of plants are broken.

  Jiang Chuchu happily took the wild flowers and looked at Gu Jingyu: "Did you pick them yourself?"

  Gu Jingyu is the second son of the Marquis's family and has a noble status. If he wants to get something done, it only takes a word.

  But for her, he does everything himself.

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