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Professor Chaisri's classroom is a pressure cooker. Everyone is on edge, quiet and nervous. He is known for being strict and a bit of a grump. He is a famous teacher, and everyone is a little scared of him.

Orm waltzed into the classroom, a little late as usual. She is a bit of a troublemaker, but she is also really smart. She didn't mind breaking the rules, but she always knew what she was doing. The clock showed she's 8 minutes late, but she didn't seem too worried.

The other students were already sitting in their seats, looking at their books and taking notes. The air is thick, like everyone was waiting for something exciting to happen. Orm is studying International Economics, and today's lecture is about global trade agreements.

Professor Chaisri is standing at the front of the room, looking serious. He is very well-dressed, and he looked like someone you should be respectful to.

"Ah, Ms. Sethratanapong," He said, in a low voice that everyone could hear. "Always a pleasure to see you... so promptly." He is being sarcastic, but she just winked at him. She isn't afraid of him.

Orm apologized, but she didn't sound too sorry. She quickly sat down in the last empty seat, looking around the room with a mischievous smile. Everyone was looking at her, but she didn't care.

"Where were we?" He asked, looking around the room. "Ah yes, we were talking about the impact of the WTO on developing economies."

The lesson started, and Orm settled into her seat, ready to learn. She's a little bit naughty, but she's also a quick learner. Professor Chaisri is a good teacher, even if he is a bit grumpy. Orm knew that understanding global trade agreements is crucial for her future career in international economics.

Even though her family owned the university, she didn't let it go to her head. She wanted to be seen as a smart student, not just a rich girl. She knew she could do well in class, even without her family's fortune.

It was hard for her to forget about her family's money, but in Professor Chaisri class, it didn't seem to matter. He treated everyone the same, and she is just another student trying to learn. She knew she could get away with a lot, but she also knew that he is a tough nut to crack. She is ready for the challenge. She is determined to prove that she is more than just a rich kid, and that she had the brains and the ambition to succeed in the world of international economics.

Becky Armstrong, who is sitting behind her, gave her chair a little kick in the back enough to get her attention. "Why are you late?"

"Later." She mouthed.

After a grueling hour and a half, The Professor glanced at the clock, then announced. "Alright, class dismissed." The students, eager to stretch their legs and take a break, quickly gathered their things and headed out.

The three girls hung back, letting everyone else go first. Then, they ambled down the hallway to get some snacks for their break. Laughing at their own gossip.

"Yeah right! You know Orm is always late. It's nothing new." Yoko remarks, laughing.

"Guys i'm a changed woman now okay? I just woke up late."

"As if."

The three friends were seated at their usual table when they saw their friend approaching.

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