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"Do you have any plans on going back to bangkok?" View asked.

The two girls were having dinner at a simple rest house right by the sea. Orm had chosen this place because it was close to the beach, and you could see the waves crashing from your room. It wasn't fancy, but it was peaceful, a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city. The food here was mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, and Orm loved it. She wasn't picky about what she ate and didn't need fancy things.

Orm's parents had taught her that money wasn't everything, and she was happy with simple things. She loved that they could go for a jog in the nearby forest, pick fresh fruit, and enjoy the peace and quiet. It was a great place to get away from it all. A week had flown by without them even noticing, the girls were so engrossed in the tranquility of the province.

"I don't know. Part of me wants to stay here, but I know I have to go back eventually. I left so many people there, family and friends. But it's not the right time yet." Orm said munching on her food which View finds it cute. "How about you?"

"My manager told me to take a break, so I figured I'd just relax here for a while. I don't have any specific travel plans right now." It's a lie. She's been feeling overwhelmed lately. Her manager has been constantly calling and texting, making it hard for her to relax. All she wants is to be with Orm.  She misses her so much.

View used to the hustle and bustle of city life, so this peaceful place is a bit of a change for her. Orm, though, seems to fit in anywhere. Even though it's different, View's happy with Orm, and she's starting to like it here after a week.

Walking together on the beach, feeling the cool breeze around them, the girls chatted away without noticing they had reached a corner rock. They sat on top of it, gazing at the horizon and the calming waves. View was more focused on admiring the woman next to her, who seemed oblivious on her silent affection.

She put her hand on top of Orm's, making the girl look at her. "Do you know why I came after you?"

Orm simply gazed at her, anticipating her next words.

"I'm here because I missed my chance to tell you that I like you before. But now, I'm brave enough to say it." View confessed smiling. She wasn't expecting Orm to reciprocate her feelings. all she wanted is to confess. She had admired Orm for so long and didn't want to miss another chance.

Orm is completely taken aback by View's confession. She just stared, speechless, unable to process it. The thought that View harbored feelings for her had never crossed her mind.

"View, i – i" Orm stutters.

"It's okay. You don't have to answer it right now. I'm just glad that I get to tell you this." View offered her a reassuring smile. It was a reassurance that, despite not sharing the same feelings, their friendship would remain unchanged.

But who knows, right? She did not even let orm finish speaking, fearing rejection based on Orm's initial reaction. But, Orm was simply surprised and had not rejected her. This was View's first time confessing, which made her feel scared and uncertain.

A sigh escaped Orm's lips as she puffed out her cheeks and averted her attention back to the sea. 

View was deep in thought when Orm suddenly aimed a camera at her. Orm giggled as she looked at the picture she had just taken of View.

The model's eyes grew wide before she laughed, "What are you doing?"

Orm lifted the phone and displayed the picture she had captured. "It's beautiful." Orm remarked, causing View to blush. As a model, View was accustomed to receiving compliments regularly, but hearing it from Orm felt different. Then it dawned on her that the phone belonged to her. Orm then returned the phone to her.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now