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Orm arrived at school early for her final exam, feeling a bit exhausted from a lack of sleep the night before. As she entered the room, she found her friends casually lounging in a corner.

"What's the plan after the exam?" Yoko inquired, leaning back in her chair.

"Let's hang out at my place" Becky suggested, glancing at Orm. "Are you coming with us, Orm?"

Orm shrugged, "I don't know."

"Are you okay?" Becky asked, placing a comforting hand on Orm's shoulder.

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit anxious about the exam." Orm replied.

Yoko rolled her eyes, "You? Feeling anxious about an exam? I find it hard to believe."

It was true that Orm was usually confident in her academics and well-prepared for exams.

"I'm okay, guys, I swear. Let's focus and be prepared. The professor might be here soon" Orm reassured them, though her friends could sense something was bothering her.

Before long, the professor entered the room, signaling the start of the exam. After completing their tests, the girls gathered in the university hallway, waiting for another friend from a different program to join them. Once they were all together, they decided to head to Becky's place to hang out.

As they walked towards Becky's house, the conversation continued, with Prig's playful teasing, Becky's comforting gestures, Yoko's nonchalant reply and Orm's calmness.

In Becky's kitchen, the four girls gathered and shared their skills on cooking their desired dishes. The aroma of the food filled the air, causing Yoko's stomach to growl.

"Orm, I didn't know you were talented in cooking Tom Yum Goong." Yoko remarked, taking in a deep inhale of the soup.

Orm chuckled softly, "Wait until you taste it," offering Yoko a spoonful and eagerly awaiting her feedback. "How does it taste?"

"Oh my god, this is delicious! Can I hire you as my personal chef for this?" Yoko teased, earning a wink from Orm.

Prig, intrigued by the dish, approached Orm and playfully requested a taste. Orm playfully tapped her forehead, causing Prig to pout. "Wait until it's fully cooked"

Prig crossed her arms and stomped away from Orm, pretending to be offended. "You're so mean."

Meanwhile, Becky chuckled at their antics as she prepared some juice. The girls then sat down at the dining table, savoring their meal as if it were their last. Their collaborative cooking efforts had filled their stomachs and left them content.

The laughter and banter among the friends added to the warmth of the moment, creating a sense of camaraderie and joy as they enjoyed each other's company and the delicious meal they had prepared together.

In the lively setting of the living room, a group of friends engaged in light-hearted gossip and banter, gradually delving into more personal matters. Prig, with a mischievous grin, recounted Yoko's unexpected encounter with Phi Faye in the clothes tent, causing Yoko to blush furiously. Yoko, with a mix of embarrassment and excitement, confessed,

"I was planning to tell you girls, but I wanted to make sure first if she was serious or not. I have already granted her permission to pursue a relationship with me."

Amidst the laughter, Becky brought up the topic of taking in all the Kwong siblings, prompting Prig to dismiss the idea, noting that Ying was not a Kwong. Playfully turning to Orm, Prig teased, "How about you and CEO Lingling?"

Orm, with a serious demeanor, gathered her friends' attention, announcing, "I have something to tell you." As the room fell silent, Orm hesitantly revealed, "Actually, me and lingling are fuck pals" her fingers fidgeting nervously. Becky offered a supportive touch, "If it makes you happy, we're here to support you."

Prig and Yoko nodded in agreement, but Prig expressed concern, "If this situation doesn't benefit you positively, we have the authority to step in. We are concerned about your well-being and will not tolerate any form of exploitation. But, she isn't manipulating your feelings, is she?"

Orm's silence spoke volumes, indicating the inner turmoil caused by Lingling.

Yoko, Prig, and Becky shared a moment of regret, with Yoko admitting guilt, "I shouldn't have suggested that idea. now you're in this situation."

"It's not your fault. Lingling offered, and I couldn't refuse because I wanted to be close to her." Orm clarified.

Becky, sensing Orm's distress, asked "Then what's the matter? you seem unhappy." Orm poured out her feelings, expressing a desire for genuine love and connection with Lingling, not just physical intimacy. She confessed, "I wanted to end this fuck thingy relationship between us, but she refuses to allow it. She is exerting control over me, and I feel helpless and discouraged."

"Oh girl, Don't let her control you. " Prig said shaking her head.

Becky echoed the sentiment, "Prig is right. You deserve happiness, not pain. Be strong and make the right choice, alright?"

"She has already allowed that to happen. Now, Lingling possesses the ability to manipulate you. She is aware of your vulnerabilities and is using it against you" Yoko intervened.

Orm shakes her head and expressed her deep affection, stating, "I love her. I'm certain that she will eventually come to love me if I comply with all her desires." Hearing this, her friends look at her in disbelief at Orm's words.

"You excel in academics, but struggle in matters of love. Regardless of your decision, we'll support you." Prig remarked. Despite their continuous advice, Orm seemed to turn a deaf ear, choosing to follow her heart while her friends grew weary of offering guidance.

Orm was just silent and in deep thoughts. Her phone rang, she excused herself to take the call.

"Phi Win?" Orm was surprised to see the caller.

"Nong orm, are you busy?"

"Ahm no, but I'm hanging out with my friends right now"

"Can we meet? I just have something important to ask you" said the other line, though his tone is calm.

Orm pondered for some time, puzzled as to why Win wanted to meet with her and what the purpose behind it.

"Okay" She replied shortly.

"Alright, then where should I pick you up?" Win asked with a smile on his face, even though orm couldn't see it.

"Just send me the location where you would like to meet." Orm's last words were followed by the call ending. Shortly after, a message appeared on her phone containing the location and meeting time.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now