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Orm was focused on setting the table, her movements precise and quiet.  She had already laid out plates, glasses, and utensils for two. Lingling, who had been watching Orm, couldn't bear it any longer. She'd wanted to help since they arrived, but she wasn't sure what to do. It was their first time sharing a room in a year, and being in Orm's place added another layer of awkwardness.

Finally, Lingling stood up and walked towards Orm, her voice is hesitant. "Let me help you with that."

Orm didn't say anything, simply moving aside to give her space.  Lingling, though grateful for the gesture, felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her. She stood there, unsure of what to do next, her eyes darting around the table, searching for a task.

Orm watched Lingling's unease with raised eyebrows. Their eyes met, and Orm silently gestured for her to sit down, making the woman clear her throat and quickly took a seat.

The two ate in silence, the only sounds the clinking of their utensils. The awkwardness was almost suffocating for Lingling. Earlier, she had been so bold, but now she felt paralyzed. She wanted to talk, but her words seemed to get stuck in her throat. Until she choked on her food, her face turning red.

Orm, sensing the distress, immediately reached for a glass of water and offered it to Lingling. She gently tapped Lingling's back, her touch soothing. "Easy there," she said, her voice soft. "Why do you seem so tense?"

Lingling, regaining her composure, looked up at Orm, who was still caressing her back. "I'm fine." she mumbled, her voice barely audible. The younger woman then went back to her seat.

Lingling, determined to break the silence, finally spoke. "So, how are you?"

Orm, her eyes focused on carefully cutting her meat, replied simply. "I'm good."

Lingling nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. Even though Orm's gaze remained fixed on her food, Lingling sent her a soft smile, her voice filled with warmth. "You're finally a CEO."

She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Orm. She remembered the mischievous girl who used to cause a stir in university, but now she is a grown woman, a successful CEO leading their company.

The words seemed to catch Orm off guard. She looked up, and a blush crept onto her cheeks. "Thank you." she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

Lingling hesitated, her voice a little shaky. "So ahh... when are you going back to Bangkok?" She knew the question might be uncomfortable, but it slipped out before she could stop it.

However, The taller one didn't seem to mind. She replied casually, "I still have a lot of things to do in London."

Lingling, wanting to know more, pressed on, her voice laced with concern. "They missed you. Your friends, your cousin. When will you reach out to them?" She's scared to ask, but she is also curious and wanted Orm to know how much her absence was affecting those she left behind.

A painful smile touched Orm's lips. "I know." she said, her eyes reflecting a deep sadness. She missed her friends and cousin too, but her responsibilities in London were keeping her there. She would go back, but not now.

Lingling's eyes stayed fixed on Orm, reading the unspoken emotions in her. She could sense the longing in her eyes, a yearning for the people she had left behind in Bangkok. Even though the younger woman didn't say a word, her eyes spoke volumes, answering Lingling's questions with a silent, poignant truth.

"Your friend and my sister are already engaged"

Orm, caught off guard, tilted her head. "Which one?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now