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Orm, upon entering inside where Lingling stood, was immediately embraced by the older woman. Lingling offered comfort without words, gently patting her back.

Later, back in Orm's hotel room, the silence spoke volumes. Lingling, unaware of the events between Orm and View, watched silently as the girl sat and sobbed, her face buried in her hands.

Orm's voice, choked with tears, broke the silence. "Do you know that View is the good friend I could ever ask for?"

Lingling, unsure of what to say, remained silent, her heart aching for the woman beside her. She knew Orm needed to release her emotions, so she simply held her close, letting the tears flow freely.

"I know you hated her from the start," Orm continued, Her words were barely a murmur. "She's going back to Paris."

Orm didn't need Lingling to speak, she just needed to pour out her heart. The tears weren't just for View drifting away, but for the guilt that gnawed at her. She was crying because she couldn't return the love View had so freely given.

"Last month, she went to Valoria to find me," Orm said, her voice catching. "She didn't even know if it was safe, but she came anyway. She confessed her love for me, but I couldn't reciprocate it."

Her tear-filled eyes shifted towards the older woman, "because I couldn't love other people the same way I do to you. You're different and I know that. I've tried, but I just can't feel the same way about anyone else." she said with a sigh.

A weight lifted from the older one's shoulders. The doubts and anxieties that had plagued her vanished, replaced by a surge of happiness. Finally, she heard the words she had longed for. Yet, a twinge of conscience pierced through her lightness. She had hated View, blinded by her own selfishness, unaware that View had been the one helping Orm through her darkest times.

Lingling realized her own shortcomings, the depth of her own self-centeredness. She had judged View without knowing her, without understanding the selfless love she had offered Orm.

Silence descended upon her as she replayed the encounter with the model in the restaurant restroom earlier that day.

View stood before the expansive mirror in the restroom, applying lipstick with practiced ease. She was waiting for the older woman who had disappeared into one of the cubicles.

When the woman emerged, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the model. Lingling quickly composed herself. She walked towards the sink, washing her hands as View spoke, her voice a soft but steady murmur, "I know you're following Orm. That's why you're here."

Lingling swallowed, her gaze fixed on the sink, refusing to meet her eyes. "W-what are you talking about?" she stammered.

View chuckled softly, a lighthearted tone in her voice. "You don't have to deny it."

Lingling finally met her gaze, her eyes narrowed in defiance. "Yes, I came to follow Orm. Because I don't trust you."

Instead of engaging in a heated argument, View simply offered a gentle smile. "But she trusted me."

The words struck Lingling like a physical blow. They pierced through her carefully constructed defenses, leaving a gaping hole of doubt and insecurity.

"Don't worry, I'll be leaving for France soon," View said nonchalantly, her tone betraying no hint of the turmoil she was surely feeling.

Lingling's glare shifted to confusion.

"I already confessed my love for her," View said, a wistful smile gracing her lips as she recalled the night she had finally spoken her heart. "She was neither accepting nor rejecting me. But at least I did it, right? I confessed my feelings to the woman you love. And even though she didn't say anything, I know deep down, it's you her heart is screaming for."

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now