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A nervous secretary entered the CEO's office, afraid of being scolded by her boss who seemed a bit tipsy.

"Ma'am, It's time for the meeting. They are already waiting for you." The secretary said nervously.

With tired eyes, Lingling looked at her, sending a cold stare that made the secretary shiver. "Cancel the meeting." she said flatly.

The secretary turned pale, as the CEO had been canceling meetings frequently. "Understood, ma'am." she said, bowing before starting to walk.

"If anyone needs to speak with me, let them know I'm not available. I don't want to be disturbed." the CEO's voice made the secretary flinch as she hurried out of the room.

Lingling poured herself another glass of strong wine and swiveled her chair to gaze out of the large window of her office at the city.

A year had passed since Orm left Bangkok, and Lingling grew more frustrated each day. No one knew where the young woman is, except for her cousin. But she hasn't talked to ying yet after that day in Orm's house.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize that someone had entered her office.

"Stop drinking. It's only 12 in the afternoon." Faye's voice didn't even make the tipsy woman flinch but she slightly tilted her head sidewards.

"What do you want?" Her voice was cold as she asked.

Faye approached the window, where her sister is gazing out, eyes fixed on the world outside. Then, her eyes shifted down to the seated woman beside her. "How long are you going to let sadness consume you?" Faye asked, her voice laced with concern. "Do you really think doing this to yourself will bring back Orm?" Though her words were blunt, they were the truth.

Receiving a silent replies, Faye heave a resigned sigh. She watched in dismay as her sister continued to refill her wine glass, seemingly oblivious to the consequences to her body. It was as if she was pouring away any sense of responsibility.

She snatched the glass from Lingling's grasp, earning a withering glare from her sister. The ice cubes clinked ominously as the glass tilted precariously in her hand. "That's enough."

Although Faye was the eldest, she generally kept herself out of her sister's businesses. She's the most laid-back of the bunch. However, when it comes to their health, she couldn't help but intervene.

Lingling yielded the glass, her eyes swelling with tears as a wave of sadness washed over her.

"It hurts so much. Just when I finally realized how much I loved her, she left. Our story is still an Unwritten Chapter, but it's over before it even began." Lingling blurted through her trembling voice.

Faye, who used to be nonchalant, was deeply pained to see her sister in so much agony. She understood the depth of Lingling's love for Orm until immersing herself in misery every day. Encircling her in a warm hug, she gently patted her back, seeking to soothe the tremors of her sister's tearful body. She's not good at giving advice, but she can only offer a comforting hug.

Orm is in London, in her mom's house. For a whole year, she went on amazing adventures, traveling to all sorts of places. She didn't want to be tied down yet by responsibilities, so she just went with the flow and explored the world. It really helped her to feel good and happy. She loved finding peace and comfort in traveling. She explained to her mom that she wasn't ready to commit to any big responsibilities yet, as she needed a break from work and wanted to enjoy some time off which her mom gladly permitted her.

Mrs. Kornnaphat, already knows everything about what happened. She was furious and blamed herself for not being there for Orm during that difficult time. She was so upset that she almost broke up with Win's father, but Orm stopped her, not wanting to be selfish.

Win's father also learned the truth about what his son had done. He was so angry and disappointed that he almost disowned Win. He couldn't believe his son would do such terrible things, especially to the daughter of the woman he loved. But Orm, with her kind heart, intervened and prevented a complete break between father and son.

Win, filled with regret, realized that his actions, good or bad, wouldn't make Lingling love him. He vowed to stay out of Orm and Lingling's lives and even ended their business partnership. After that, he decided to leave and avoid Orm altogether.

Orm hasn't forgiven him for what he did, but she's trying to let go of the past. She's burning the bridge to the pain and hurt, hoping to move on with her life.

She knew that even if she forgave him, she could never truly trust him again. The memory of how easily she'd trusted him, without even considering he might hurt her, was still painful and vivid. She realized how foolish she had been. While forgiveness might be possible, it wouldn't come easily. The pain is still fresh in her mind and heart.

Mrs. Kornnaphat's eyes welled up with sadness as she held her daughter's hands tightly. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" She asked.

Orm nodded, pursing her lips together. "Yes ma'am"

Mrs. Kornnaphat's voice cracked with emotion as she squeezed her daughter's hands. "Okay then, take care of yourself, alright? You're a grown woman now. I can't be the mom who's always there to tell you what to do. You're strong and capable, you can make your own decisions. Look at you, you've grown so tall and beautiful."

Her heart swelled with a mix of pride and sadness. It felt like just yesterday her daughter was a little girl, clinging to her skirts and demanding her attention. Now, she is a confident woman, she has become an independent, ready to face the world on her own. It was a bittersweet moment.

Orm plans to go on a trip again. Her mother felt a pang of sadness, not because Orm is traveling again, but because her daughter kept her destination a secret this time. Mrs. Kornnaphat understood that Orm is an independent woman now, free to make her own choices. But even though she knew this, a part of her still wished she could be privy to Orm's plans, just like in the old days.  It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that her daughter was growing up and forging her own path, a path where she doesn't have to always know her daughter's personal plans.

Orm decided to keep her trip a secret. She is going to her late father's province, a place she felt a strong connection to. It wasn't because she was afraid of her mom's reaction. Her parents had a wonderful relationship, and her mom always cherished the memories of her husband. Orm simply wanted to visit his grave on her own, without any distractions or explanations. It was just her way, a quiet and private way of honoring her father's memory.

She arrived in Valoria by plane, but her journey wasn't over. She had to take a small ship to reach her final destination in the province. As the Ship sailed through the water, Orm held her camera close to her eye, capturing every beautiful island they passed. She even snapped photos of the fish, whales, and birds that swam and flew around them. Orm had a big smile on her face as she took pictures of all the amazing things she saw. Finally, after a while, the Ship reached its destination and Orm's journey is complete.

The grown up woman didn't regret leaving Bangkok and everyone she knew. It wasn't that she didn't want to see them anymore. She believed that true healing meant taking a step back from everything, even from her friends. She needed to focus completely on herself. To do that, she deleted everything. Her social media, her contacts, everything except for her mom. It was a drastic move, but she knew it was what she needed to truly heal.

When Lingling had told her that she was still young and had plenty of time to meet people. Now, she was finally doing just that, but not in the way Lingling had meant. Instead of meeting new people, Orm was healing herself by traveling. She was exploring new places, taking in the beauty of the world around her, and finding a place in the journey. It was a way for her to reconnect with herself and find a sense of calm and purpose.

I wanted to complete this story before my hospital duties keep me busy. I had plans to write another LingOrm book in the mafia genre, but now with my schedule changing, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.

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