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AN: I'm bringing in a new face, and there could be more characters popping up soon.

The bar was lively and comfortable, with dim lights and a skilled bartender. The air was filled with the smells of smoke and beer, and people were chatting and having fun. Music played from the jukebox, and there was a mix of regulars and new faces, all enjoying themselves. Orm was one of those people, soaking up the atmosphere.

Orm perched on a bar stool, the cool, polished surface a welcome contrast to the heat rising in her chest. She'd ordered a cocktail, the sweet, fruity scent a temporary distraction from the swirling thoughts that threatened to consume her. Staying home, she realized, would only amplify the anxieties gnawing at her. She was of age, after all, and a little harmless fun wouldn't hurt.

As the first sip of her drink settled in her stomach, a warmth spread through her, loosening the tension in her shoulders. She wasn't quite drunk, but the edges of her worries were softening, replaced by a sense of carefree abandon. She wasn't aware of the man across the room, his gaze lingering on her with an unsettling intensity.

Minutes later, he was at her table, a smirk playing on his lips. "Alone?" he asked, his voice a low purr.

Orm ignored him, pretending to be engrossed in the swirling ice in her glass. The man chuckled, his smirk widening. "I like a woman with a little fire. Up for some fun at my place?"

Orm finally met his gaze, her eyes narrowed. "No thanks. And please leave me alone."

The man raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. But I'm not leaving until you accept my treat."

Desperate for him to leave, Orm nodded, her eyes pleading for him to just go. The man, mistaking her acquiescence for interest, beamed.  He ordered her another drink, his eyes scanning the room before returning to Orm, his gaze lingering on her with a predatory gleam.  He slipped something from his pocket into her glass. "Here. No need to thank me. I'm leaving."

"Whatever," Orm mumbled, reaching for the glass.

But before she could take a sip, a tall woman swooped in, snatching the glass away. "What the fuck?!" Orm exclaimed, her annoyance rising. The woman's eyes narrowed, her gaze fixed on Orm's face, a flicker of recognition in their depths. "Orm," she said, her voice low and urgent.  "The guy who was with you earlier, he put something in your drink."

Orm was stunned, not by the accusation, but by the woman's voice.  It was familiar, a voice she'd heard countless times in the virtual world.  "View?" she whispered, her eyes widening in disbelief.

The tall woman flashed a grin.  "Yes, it's me." Orm covered her mouth, still struggling to reconcile the woman in front of her with her online friend.  The bar, once a refuge, now felt like a stage, the spotlight focused on her, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

(So View Benyapa J. is the new character)

View took advantage of Orm's silence and pulled her out of the bar. "Let's go outside," she said, gesturing toward the door. Orm, unable to hear over the din, simply followed.

"It's a small world, isn't it?"

"When did you arrive in Thailand?"

View grinned and replied, "Two weeks ago."

Orm expressed surprise, "Orm, I didn't know you were drinking and going to bars alone."

"Yes, tonight is my first time here, and I didn't expect to see you."

Orm asked, "Are you alone?"

View confirmed, "Yes, my friend invited me, but she couldn't make it, so I stayed. You were in a risky situation. Please be more careful next time, Orm. Not everyone will act like I did."

Orm pouted, "Yes, being a first-timer has its drawbacks. You're unaware of things."

On the opposite side of the alley, a person sat in a car, observing the two girls laughing and chatting on the bench. Despite knowing Orm never visited clubs, tonight was an exception. Noticing the bond between Orm and the girl beside her, the individual discreetly snapped a photo of them with their phone. "Just want to capture a moment." the mysterious figure muttered before approaching the girls.

Laughter ceased as the two girls noticed the woman standing before them. Orm's eyes widened in recognition, "Phi Freen?"

Freen simply nodded, indicating her intention to take Orm with her, and focused on Orm as she gently led her towards the car.

"I'll take Orm with me. You, miss, head home" Freen stated firmly to the other girl without making eye contact.

Orm glanced back at View, silently mouthing, "I'll contact you" receiving a nod of acknowledgment in return.

Freen inquired, "What are you doing in the bar, Nong Orm? You're not one to frequent places like this."

Orm met her gaze and countered, "And what brings you to the bar?"

The older woman sighed, "Nong Orm, don't deflect my question with another question."

"I just wanted to experience what it's like to be in a bar," Orm fibbed, avoiding eye contact.

"You're not being truthful. Your eyes give you away," Freen remarked, observing Orm closely.

Freen confronted Orm directly, "Did you come here because you have a problem with Phi Lingling?" This question caused Orm to turn her head towards Freen, remaining silent. Lingling had warned her not to disclose their situation to anyone, yet Freen seemed to be aware of it.

"You might wonder how I know, but Lingling didn't confide in me. I happened to pass by our condo building and saw both of you entering together. That sight alerted me, as Lingling never brings anyone to her private place. So, tell me, what's going on between you and my sister?" Freen shared her observations. 

In a dimly lit room, Orm nervously shared with Freen, "I am her stress reliever." Freen, wearing a confused expression, responded with a simple, "Huh?"

"I mean, we have this arrangement where I should be there for her when she's stressed, fulfilling her needs intimately" Orm elaborated.

"A 'fuck buddy.' Yeah, that's the term," Freen bluntly remarked, causing Orm to clear her throat nervously and nod in acknowledgment. Freen, visibly agitated, muttered, "That motherfucker" as she stared out the window, leaving Orm feeling uneasy about his unreadable expression.

Out of the blue, Freen inquired, "And the girl you were with earlier, who is she?"

Orm softly replied, "View Benyapa. We just happened to be in the same bar."

"I know her," Freen stated shortly, prompting confusion to appear on Orm's face. "You two know each other?" she asked.

Freen slowly nodded, "We crossed paths at the event prior to the one in Paris. She's a model, doesn't she?"

Orm confirmed with a nod. Freen then questioned why she didn't interact with View earlier and why she didn't acknowledge her.

"She didn't even recognize that I was there, so why should I bother?" Freen responded nonchalantly, turning to look at Orm, who was silently laughing. The older woman raised her eyebrows to the laughing girl beside her.

Orm jokingly remarked, "How could she notice you with sunglasses on at night? Is that a family trait? Lingling also wears sunglasses at night" she said with amusement.

Freen, almost inaudibly, mentioned, "At least I'm not in denial of my feelings"

"Huh? What did you say?"

Freen brushed it off, "Nothing. Let's go, I'll send you home" before starting the engine, leaving an unresolved tension lingering in the air between them.

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