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Just as Lingling was about to take Orm's hand, a woman approached them and whisked Orm away without even glancing at Lingling. "Orm, I've been searching for you. Let's go." she said, gently pulling her along as they walked away. Orm made no protest as she was still in shock by the sudden turn of events.

Lingling, frozen on her stand, snapped out of her daze. The thought of losing Orm to View jolted her into action.  She dashed after them, catching up just as they reached the hallway exit.

"Orm, wait!"

Orm paused, causing View to stop as well. She turned to face the woman, sighing. "What?" she asked.

Lingling, panting slightly from her run, approached them. "Orm, let's talk" she said, focusing her attention on her. She ignored View, who stood silently behind Orm, watching her with a blank expression.

Orm briefly glanced at View before turning her cold gaze back to Lingling. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Can i...have a moment with you?" Lingling asked. Her eyes held a pleading hope.

"I think Orm might need to get some rest, given her busy schedule tomorrow." View interferes, cuts off Lingling's attempt to talk to Orm.

Lingling's eyes narrowed as she fixed a steely gaze on the woman interfering. She fought to control her rising anger, aware of Orm's presence.  Her breathing quickened, but she forced herself to remain calm. She has to be patient, especially with Orm watching. She needed to keep her actions spotless, her reputation untarnished, as she sought to win the Woman's heart.

Lingling's gaze softened as she turned back to Orm, a silent plea etched on her face. "Please?" she whispered, her voice laced with desperation.

Orm sighed, the sound heavy with weariness. She shifted her attention away from Lingling, her eyes landing on View. "You can go first," she said, her tone devoid of warmth. "I'll just follow you."

View stood rooted in place, her brow furrowed and lips pursed in a silent expression of disappointment. Heaving a deep sigh, she turned around and walks away.

As Orm's gaze lingered on View's retreating figure, a sharp, piercing pain ripped through Lingling's chest.  It was as if a physical blow had been struck, leaving her breathless and aching. The sight of Orm's attention drifting away, drawn to another, was a cruel reminder of her own vulnerability. After a brief pause, the younger woman turned her gaze back to her with a stoic expression.

The hotel garden, once a tranquil escape, had become a source of growing frustration for Orm. They had been strolling along the manicured paths for what felt like an eternity, yet the woman beside her remained silent, her hands clenched tightly, her gaze fixed on the unyielding green of the grass. Orm's patience was wearing thin.

Finally, Orm stopped in her tracks, but Lingling, lost in her own thoughts, continued to walk. "Lingling," Orm called out, her voice firm yet laced with a hint of frustration.

Lingling halted, her head snapping up as she realized Orm had stopped. She looked back at the girl who was now standing behind her, a questioning expression on her face. "Sorry."

"Spill it out." Orm said, her voice edged with impatience. "I want to go back to my room."

Lingling took a step closer to Orm, her face a mixture of vulnerability and longing. Hesitantly, she reached out and took Orm's hands in hers. "I don't know how to say this," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "but I miss you."

Orm's eyebrows shot up in surprise.  "Okay," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "And what am I supposed to do with that information?"

Lingling cleared her throat, her grip tightening on Orm's hands.  "I'm...sorry for everything that happened before," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I've spent the entire year searching for you," Lingling confessed, her voice filled with raw emotion. "I came to this event, not because I was invited, but because I knew you would be here. And it was my only chance to see you, to speak to you, because.." Desperation crept into her tone as she swallowed hard. Orm is just waiting for her to continue.

"Because, I want you back." The words hung heavy in the air, laced with pain and a longing that was almost tangible.

Orm's face contorted into a painful, almost hysterical scoff. It was a sound that held a mixture of disbelief, hurt, and a touch of bitter mockery. It was as if Lingling's words had struck a nerve, a raw, exposed wound that she hadn't expected to be touched. "You want me back? Lingling, we were never a 'we'. Yes, I tried harder before. I gave you my all. My heart, my soul, everything I could offer. I was willing to sacrifice everything for you, hoping one day you'd love me back, but you never did." Orm's voice cracked, a tear rolling down her cheek. "That night at my bastard step brother's place, you just accused me as if you didn't know me. Ohh how i wish you'd asked me, tried to find out everything like how you've spent your whole year searching for me now."

Lingling's heart ached as she listened to Orm's pain. She knew she'd been wrong, and the weight of her regrets felt crushing. "I'm so sorry, Orm," she sobbed, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry I was so slow to realize how much I love you. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you that night. I regret it every single day. But I'm here now, Orm. I'm certain of my feelings for you, and I'm ready to spend my whole life trying to make things right."

Lingling reached out, her hand trembling as she tried to touch Orm's.  But Orm pulled away, her hand flinching as if burned. "Please, Orm. I realized, I couldn't function well without you. Please, just give me a chance. A chance to show you how deeply I regret everything, how much I'm willing to give you everything I have, everything I am."

The silence stretched on, agonizingly long. Orm's eyes, filled with a storm of emotions, finally met Lingling's. She saw the raw pain, the desperation, the love that still flickered in Lingling's eyes.

Orm sniffs, tracing a path through the dust of her heartache. She knew she shouldn't, that she'd been hurt too deeply, that she deserved better. But the love she'd held for Lingling, buried under layers of pain, was still there, a fragile ember waiting to be rekindled.

Lingling moved closer, and this time, Orm didn't resist. She gently cupped Orm's face, her thumb brushing away a stray tear, a silent gesture of comfort and love that she herself had caused.

"I don't know, Ling," Orm whispered, her gaze piercing Lingling's, searching for an answer she wasn't sure she wanted to find. "I'm not sure I can trust you anymore. Looking at you feels different now."

A shaky smile touched Lingling's lips, a vulnerable expression that revealed the depth of her emotions. "I understand that I've hurt you deeply, and I long accepted the consequences of my actions. I'm willing to face whatever you need me to face, to make amends in any way that I can. And I want you to know that.."

Lingling's forehead rested against Orm and continued, "I'm committed to earning your trust back." Her breath mingling in the quiet space between them. It was a gesture of vulnerability, a silent plea for reassurance and connection.

Bear with this brief update tonight. I wrote it with exhausted eyes as I had a busy day and didn't put much thought into what to write, as long as I could provide an update. I'll update again tomorrow night. I'm going to sleep now to rest and recharge my energy so I can write with enthusiasm.

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