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Lingling guided the disheveled woman into the passenger seat of her car. With practice ease, she fastened the seatbelt, the click echoing in the quiet interior. As she settled into the driver's seat, a weary sigh escaped her lips. She turned to look at the woman, her face flushed and slack with sleep. Her hair, a tangled mess, obscured her features. Lingling reached out, gently pushing the strands away from her face, her touch soft and reassuring.

"How come you start drinking, you naughty girl?" she murmured, her voice laced with a mixture of concern. The woman, lost in a deep slumber, didn't stir. Lingling leaned in, leaving a feather-light kiss on her forehead before straightening back up. A moment of quiet contemplation passed before she started the engine, the car humming to life. With a final glance at the sleeping woman, she pulled out of the parking lot, the streetlights blurring as she drove away.

As Lingling pulled up to the entrance of the mansion, she signaled to one of the maids to open the door and told the maid to bring warm water and an unused towel to her room. Instead of heading towards her own condo, she had chosen to bring her here. Stepping out of the car, Lingling didn't hesitate for a second. She scooped up the sleeping Orm in her arms, cradling her like a bride, and carried her towards the imposing mansion.

Faye, nestled in the plush comfort of the living room with a steaming cup of coffee, looked up as the sound of the front door opening caught her attention. Her gaze fell upon Lingling, who was carrying someone in her arms. Faye stood up as she scanned the woman's face, her eyes widening in recognition. She cleared her throat, a soft cough that drew Lingling's attention. "Is that Orm?" she asked silently, her voice barely a whisper. Lingling nodded, her gaze fixed on the stairs ahead. Without a word, she began to ascend, her steps sure and steady.

As Lingling made her way towards her room, she encountered Freen, who was descending the staircase. Their eyes met, a silent exchange passing between them. Freen's gaze shifted to the unconscious woman in Lingling's arms, then back to her sister's face. A smirk played on her lips as she continued her descent, her eyes glinting with amusement. Lingling, ignoring the silent challenge, continued on her way, entering her room and gently laying Orm down on the bed.

She then moved with a quiet efficiency, her concern for Orm evident in her every action. She retrieved a soft towel and gently wiped the woman's face, her hands moving with a tenderness that belied the underlying urgency. Next, she wiped Orm's arms and legs, careful not to jostle her. As she began to change Orm into a comfortable nightgown, her gaze lingered on the sleeping woman's body, her eyes taking in every detail. A flush of warmth crept up her neck as she realized the intensity of her scrutiny. She quickly averted her gaze, her heart pounding against her ribs. With a shaky breath, she finished dressing Orm, her mind racing with a mixture of concern and a strange, unfamiliar longing.

Her own body weary from the day's events, decided to take a soothing night bath. The warmth of the water soothed her tense muscles, and she emerged feeling a little more relaxed. She settled herself on the bed, her gaze drawn to Orm, who was still sound asleep. Lingling found herself captivated by the woman's features, studying the delicate curve of her lips, the soft flutter of her eyelashes, the gentle rise and fall of her chest. As she watched, a strange sense of peace washed over her, and the weariness of the day finally caught up with her. She slipped her left arm around Orm's neck, pulling her closer. Reaching out, she took Orm's arm and gently placed it around her waist, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. Lingling leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Orm's forehead. She closed her eyes, content to simply hold the other woman, the warmth of their bodies a comforting presence in the quiet of the night. Slowly, sleep claimed her, and she drifted off, her dreams filled with the gentle scent of Orm's hair and the soft rhythm of her breathing.

The first rays of dawn, streaming through the window, roused Orm from her slumber. She blinked open her eyes, the sunlight momentarily blinding her.

Orm's eyes flew open, the bright morning light assaulting her already throbbing head. She winced, a groan escaping her lips. Her head throbbed, a dull ache that intensified with every movement. She felt an arm wrapped tightly around her, adding to her discomfort. "How the fuck did I end up here?" she muttered, her voice thick with confusion and a lingering headache. "And who the hell is this?" She tried to pull away, to get a better look at the woman holding her, but the grip was surprisingly strong.

The woman shifted, giving Orm a clear view of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise. She peeked out from under the comforter, a wave of relief washing over her when she saw she was fully clothed. But then, her gaze fell on something else. She was wearing a soft, comfortable nightgown. A realization dawned on her, a slow smile spreading across her face. Lingling had changed her clothes.

Several minutes passed, and Orm remained nestled in the older woman's embrace. She stared up at the ceiling, her mind still hazy, but a strange sense of comfort settling over her until she fell back asleep.

Lingling stretched, her hand instinctively reaching out towards Orm's face. But before her fingers could brush against the younger woman's cheek, she realized she wasn't alone in the bed. They weren't hugging anymore. Orm was sleeping soundly on her side, her back turned towards Lingling. A soft smile bloomed on Lingling's lips as she gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind Orm's ear. She sat on the edge of the bed, stretching her stiff muscles, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Lingling went downstairs. She made a quick trip to the kitchen, preparing a light breakfast and fetching some headache medicine for Orm. The thought of the younger woman waking up with a pounding head filled her with a quiet determination to take care of her.

Lingling entered the bustling living room, her face brightening as she greeted her parents. "Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad,"

She then turned to her two sisters, who were exchanging knowing glances and smirking. "Good morning to you two, but I'd rather not see your annoying faces first thing in the morning." she retorted, rolling her eyes playfully.

Mrs. Kwong, her expression gentle, gestured towards a chair. "Come take a seat and have breakfast with us"

Lingling shook her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. "No need, Mom. I'm just getting breakfast and some medicine for Nong Orm"

Her parents exchanged surprised glances, their expressions a mixture of confusion and amusement. "Oh she spent the night here? Why didn't you bring her down with you?" She asked, "And what's with the medicine?"

"Go get her so we can all eat breakfast together." Mr. Kwong said.

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from upstairs. "AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The sound was so loud that everyone in the living room jolted in their seats, startled by the unexpected outburst.

"Who was that?" Mr. Kwong asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Lingling, already halfway up the stairs, turned back to her father. "Nong Orm." she said, her voice laced worry. She disappeared back up the stairs.

She hurriedly open the door of her room and worriedly went beside Orm. "Orm what happened?"

I'm still recovering from my motorcycle accident and haven't been able to think clearly enough to finish my draft. I've published what I have for now, and I'll try to update tomorrow if I'm feeling better.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now