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Faye approached her sister, Lingling, who was seated on the gazebo of their grand mansion, and settled beside her. The tension in the air was palpable as Faye began, "I didn't like how you behaved earlier, Ling." Her voice startled the younger woman, who remained silent in response.

After a moment of quiet, Faye sighed, hoping for a peaceful resolution. "Whatever the issue is between you and Orm, I hope you both can talk it out calmly." she expressed, trying to mend the strained atmosphere.

Lingling turned to look at her sister, her eyes reflecting pain. "What would you do if you witnessed the betrayal of the person you love?" she asked, her voice heavy with emotion.

Faye considered her words thoughtfully before replying, "It depends on how people choose to react. Maintaining composure is important to avoid saying things we might regret later, especially to someone we care about."

Lingling's eyes glistened with a single tear as she confessed, "I saw Orm atop Win's body that night."

Faye's expression softened as she listened, understanding the turmoil her sister was going through. "Are jealous of Orm or Win?"

"The naughty one." Lingling replied, a soft chuckle came out of her mouth.

Teasingly, Faye remarked, "Finally realizing your feelings for Orm huh." eliciting a playful eye roll from Lingling, who sighed, her gaze fixed ahead into the night.

In the quiet of the evening, with a gentle breeze caressing them, Lingling found a moment of peace amidst the chaos of her emotions. "Just when I realized my feelings for her, things happened." She admitted, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Concerned, Faye questioned, "Are you certain of what you saw? Is there a chance for misunderstanding?"

Lingling shook her head, the memory of betrayal fueling her anger once more. "Why was she in Win's place then?" she questioned, her voice laced with hurt and confusion.

"So, what are you planning to do next?" Faye inquired.

As the conversation unfolded, Lingling contemplated her next steps. "I'm not sure. Maybe I'll give Win a chance. He has shown me consistent love and respect. He has been steadfast in his actions towards me. By not succumbing to Orm's advances that night, he has shown me his love. I believe it's worth giving it a chance" She shared, contemplating a new direction in her love life.

Faye, though apprehensive about Win, chose to support her sister's decision. Despite her reservations, she knew that Lingling's happiness was paramount. In the silence that followed, Faye stood by Lingling, offering her unwavering support in whatever path her sister chose to take.

As the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, Orm stood in front of the mirror, her hair wrapped in a towel and a bathrobe hugging her frame. She was in the midst of a video call with her mother, a bittersweet moment as she prepared for her graduation later that day. Orm's heart ached with longing as she expressed her wish for her mother to be physically present on this special day.

"Mom, I wish you were here" Orm pouted, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and longing. Her mother's warm chuckle resonated through the screen, a comforting sound that eased Orm's heart.

"Baby, I'm really sorry. But I promise you will get the best gift soon from me. Tell me what you want, I'll buy it right away" her mother's voice carried a tone of unwavering love and indulgence. Orm knew her mother's love language well – showering her with gifts and fulfilling her every desire.

Orm understood the reasons behind her mother's absence, knowing that she was tirelessly managing their family company. The weight of responsibility had been passed down to Orm from her late father, entrusting her with his wealth and power. Despite being the rightful heir to the family business, Orm's mother had wisely appointed her brother to oversee the operations until Orm was ready to take the reins.

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