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The fragrance of jasmine tea permeated the room, offering a hint of familiarity in the grand office setting. Lingling's fingers swiftly danced across the keyboard, typing fervently. Meanwhile, the large screen displayed dynamic graphs and charts, indicating the company's impressive performance.

She popped her neck, a sigh escaping her lips as she looked at the clock. She was so focused on her task that she didn't even notice the sun beginning to set, signaling the end of the day.

Her phone buzzed, demanding her attention, and she answered it.

"Ms. Kwong, the new ads are ready for you to look at." The voice on the other end said.

"Send them over." She said, keeping her voice calm. "I'll check them out tonight."

She hung up the phone, and turned back to her screen, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. Despite her thoughts swirling, she felt a sense of control, like she was conducting a tasks, ensuring everything in the company ran smoothly.

A knock echoed through the room, but she didn't even glance up. "Come in." She said, her mind completely absorbed in her work.

The door slid open revealing a naughty girl, her visitor who never bothered to let her know she is coming with her usual bright energy radiating from her. She's in her school uniform, a crisp white blouse and navy skirt, her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail.

"Phi, you're working hard again." Orm noted, her eyes falling on the CEO's focused expression.

Lingling let out a weary sigh, her eyes still glued to the screen. "What are you doing here again?"

"Just wanted to see my favorite CEO." Orm replied, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and something else... maybe admiration?

Receiving no reply, Orm gracefully moved towards the CEO's desk, her body language a subtle invitation for attention. She leaned against the edge, her presence a quiet challenge to the woman's focus. Lingling's left brow twitched slightly as she gave her a quick sideway glance. "What are you doing? Move away. Can't you see I'm working?" This was what always frustrates her - Orm's habit of interrupting her work, making her lose focus. But her annoyance only seemed to excite the younger one. She shrugged off the CEO's irritation, finding her heated reaction strangely attractive.

A sudden idea struck her, her face brightened with a cunning smile. She then exaggerated a pout, her lips forming a dramatic curve as if she were about to cry. "Mmph!"

Lingling was taken aback by the sudden, dramatic pout from her. Seeing her almost in tears, she felt a surge of unexpected nervousness. She paused her work, then stood up and approached the girl. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Because you want me to move away." Orm said, her voice choked with fake hiccups.

A wave of guilt washed over Lingling, and she instinctively reached out, cupping Orm's cheek and gently tilting her head up. "Hey, I'm sorry," Her voice softening. "I didn't mean to... You can sit wherever you want, just stop crying."

The fake tears vanished instantly from Orm's face as she stood up, a mischievous grin spreading across her features. "Really?"

Lingling shut her eyes tightly, realizing she'd been tricked. Annoyance flared in her eyes as she marched back to her swivel chair, her glare directed at the grinning girl.

This was the first time the younger woman had pulled this particular trick on her. Every day, Orm seemed to have a new way to annoy her.

"Oh hey, I got you cakes!" Orm announced, her voice brimming with excitement. She walked over to the couch, carrying a box of pastries. "I saw your Instagram story earlier, and it looked like you were craving these." She then handed the box. "They're the exact ones you posted."

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now