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Orm sat at her desk, surrounded by textbooks and notes, trying to cram in as much information as possible for her upcoming finals. The room was filled with tension and the pressure was palpable as the exams loomed closer. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she saw her mother's name flashing on the screen.

Taking a deep breath, Orm answered the call, hoping for some words of encouragement or maybe just a break from the studying. However, as soon as she heard her mother's voice on the other end, she knew this conversation was going in a different direction.

"You should take an advance review, so when you graduate, you will come here," her mother's voice came through the phone, filled with excitement and anticipation.

Orm felt a wave of frustration wash over her. She hadn't even finished her finals yet, let alone started thinking about what would come after graduation. The pressure of the moment combined with her mother's expectations was almost too much to bear.

"Mom, I haven't finished our finals yet and didn't even review for my finals, and now you're already talking about me going there?" Orm said, her voice tinged with exasperation.

As the conversation continued, Orm tried to explain her current focus and the stress she was under. Despite her frustration, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth knowing that her mother was already dreaming of her future success.

After hours of intense reviewing, Orm finally decided to take a break and check her phone. The clock on her desk showed 3 pm in the afternoon as she scrolled through her notifications. To her surprise, she saw three missed calls from Lingling. Realizing that she had been so engrossed in her studies that she hadn't checked her phone, Orm immediately called Lingling back.

"Phi, sorry I was studying for my finals. I didn't see your calls, and my phone is on 'do not disturb' mode," Orm explained apologetically.

On the other end of the line, Lingling let out a sigh. "Are you done? I want you," she said, her voice filled with longing.

"I'm not finished yet, but what do you want?" Orm inquired, curious about Lingling's sudden urgency.

"Let's have dinner, and then we can go to my condo. I'll pick you up later" Lingling proposed, her tone inviting and enticing.

After agreeing to the plan, Orm and Lingling ended the call. Orm quickly went back to her reviewing, determined to finish as much as she could before their dinner date. As the time approached, she set aside her books and began preparing to meet Lingling, looking forward to a much-needed break and a chance to spend time with her friend.

Later, she received a tip-off that the older woman was outside. Stepping out, she spotted Lingling in her usual office attire, leaning on her car with sunglasses on. The sight brought a smile to the younger girl's face. Approaching her, Lingling embraced her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Good evening, beautiful," Lingling greeted.

"Good evening, CEO," she responded. "Why the sunglasses at night? Are your eyes having an eye sore?" she teased. Despite feeling let down for a few days, witnessing Lingling's affectionate gesture made her troubles fade away.

With a smirk, Lingling quipped, "No, my eyes hurt from your beauty," causing her cheeks to flush.

"Let's go?" The older woman graciously opened the passenger seat for the younger girl, who then made her way to the driver's seat and settled in.

Despite Orm's occasional confusion about the CEO's mood - sometimes sweet, but often indifferent as if she didn't exist - all it took was one sweet gesture from Lingling to erase all the times of being ignored.

Lingling and Orm were in the midst of enjoying their meal when Lingling's keen eyes caught a man at a nearby table who seemed to have an unsettling focus on Orm. Lingling tried to ignore it at first, hoping the man would divert his attention, but his persistent gaze only intensified.

The tension in the air was palpable as Lingling shot daggers at the man through her eyes, but to her dismay, he remained fixated on Orm, seemingly unaffected by her silent warnings. Sensing Lingling's unease, Orm gently inquired, "Phi, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

With a deep sigh, Lingling couldn't contain her frustration any longer and decided to confront the man directly. Rising from her seat, she made her way to their table and boldly questioned, "Excuse me? Why do you keep looking at my girlfriend?" The man's expression shifted to one of confusion, furrowing his brows in response to Lingling's assertiveness, which only seemed to amuse her in annoyance. "Stop looking at her if you value your eyes," she warned before returning to her own table.

Orm, sensing Lingling's agitation, reached out to comfort her, reassuring, "Don't mind him, Phi." However, Lingling's irritation had reached its peak, and she declared decisively, "No, let's leave."

As they prepared to depart, Lingling's mood was visibly soured by the unwanted attention, her protective instincts for Orm driving her to take a stand against the intrusive stranger.

As Lingling maneuvered her car through the streets, she couldn't help but notice the subtle smile playing on Orm's lips. Curious, she arched an eyebrow and questioned, "Why are you smiling?"

Orm's cheeks tinted with a shy blush as she confessed softly, almost inaudibly, "You said to the stranger that I'm your girlfriend."

Lingling, momentarily taken aback, shifted her gaze from Orm to the passing scenery outside. "I just did that to divert his attention away from you. He was creepy. I was ready to gouge out his eyes," she remarked with a hint of lingering annoyance before refocusing on the road. "Anyway, let's go."

The remainder of the journey was cloaked in silence, with Orm eventually noticing that they were not heading towards Lingling's condo but instead towards her own house. Puzzled, she questioned, "You're taking me home?"

Lingling nodded in confirmation. "Yes. Ying mentioned you have finals coming up, so you need to focus on your studies."

Upon reaching Orm's house, they sat in the car, the quietness enveloping them. Orm, feeling the awkwardness, cleared her throat and mumbled, "I'll go now. Drive home safely," as she reached for the door handle. However, Lingling's swift hand on Orm's arm halted her movement.

Looking into Orm's eyes, Lingling whispered, "I'll be safe if you leave me with a kiss." Without hesitation, Orm leaned in, pressing her lips against Lingling's in a tender gesture. Lingling, not content with a brief kiss, pulled Orm closer, deepening the embrace into a passionate moment shared between them.

In that night, both Lingling and Orm found solace and joy in each other's company, their hearts brimming with giddiness.

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