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Yoko informed her friends that Faye had made a restaurant reservation for them, so all they had to do was show up.

"Lord, me when? Anyone, as long as it's ying." Prig mumbled looking at the sky. It was a playful remark to tease her friend who got a wealthy suitor.

Yoko then pinched her side, "You're all about Ying, but you can't help but flirt with everyone else!"

"If she had made a move on me, I would have stopped flirting with everyone." Prig said, crossing her arms.

"Why would she? You're the one crushing on her, so you should be the one taking the initiative." Becky intrude.

Prig insisted, "I don't pursue. A beautiful woman like me doesn't make the first move" standing firm in her pride. Earning a cringe look from the two.

They stood outside the meeting room, waiting for Orm to emerge. Orm's presence was crucial for the meeting concerning tomorrow's graduation, as she holds a position at the university. All students holding a position at the university were required to attend the meeting.

"Girls, Orm said we should go first. She's still not finished with the meeting. Let us play bowling while we wait for her." Yoko announced, showing them orm's chat in their Group chat.

At the restaurant, Prig's gaze is directed through the glass of the private dining room. "Girls, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" She countered, her tone laced with intrigued.

Becky and Yoko, curious about Prig's reaction, followed her gaze to the figure inside. "What is she doing here?" Prig added.

Becky, always quick to decipher situations, observed, "Isn't it obvious? She's having a meeting. Look, there are a lot of businessmen and women there."

With the mystery somewhat unraveled, the trio decided to brush off the unexpected sighting and redirect their attention to the lively atmosphere of the bowling alley. The clatter of pins, laughter, and the thrill of the game filled the air as they let go of the curiosity that had briefly captured their attention earlier.

After the meeting, Orm followed her friends to the restaurant they had agreed upon. Stepping out of her car, she made her way inside, only to accidentally bump into someone.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Orm apologized, lifting her head to meet the gaze of the person she had collided with. The other person also looked up, and their eyes met as they both exchanged smiles.

"Nong Orm," the person greeted, and Orm reciprocated with a respectful bow.

Glancing around, Faye, for that was the person Orm had bumped into, asked, "Are you alone? Where are they?" referring to Orm's friends.

Orm explained, "They are already inside, probably playing bowling. I arrived last because I just finished my meeting." her voice soft and calm.

Faye nodded understandingly, both hands on her back pocket. "Ahhh. Would you mind if we go together inside?" she asked hesitantly, to which Orm responded with a warm smile and a nod of assent.

As Orm and Faye engaged in conversation with smiles on their faces, they strolled side by side towards the entrance of the restaurant. Just as they turned to the left, a woman coincidentally made the same turn in the same direction, heading towards the parking lot.

A woman's steps came to a sudden halt, causing Orm and Faye to stop in their tracks as well. "Nong, what are you doing here?" Faye inquired casually upon recognizing the woman as her sister.

However, Lingling, Faye's sister, remained silent, her gaze fixed on the girl standing beside her. She scrutinized Orm and Faye with a critical eye, a chuckle escaping her lips as she glared at them. Orm, sensing the tension, averted her gaze, choosing to look elsewhere rather than meet Lingling's challenging stare. This marked the initial encounter between them since the events of that fateful night.

Lingling strode confidently towards them, her arms crossed and her eyes piercing, as if they could devour Orm's very soul. Faye, on the other hand, stood awkwardly between them, confused.

"I see you have a new target." Lingling's voice dripped with venom as she addressed Orm, causing a shiver to run down Orm's spine. Orm remained silent, casting a quick glance towards Faye, silently pleading for an escape from Lingling's intense gaze.

"Why can't you talk? Huh? Are you also trying to seduce my sister?" Lingling's accusations cut through the tension, and a single tear escaped Orm's left eye, quickly brushed away in a futile attempt to hide her vulnerability.

Lingling's smirk widened at the sight of Orm's tears. "Crying? Oh, don't worry," she taunted, raising an eyebrow towards Faye, who stood bewildered by the unfolding drama. "Phi Faye here, your new target will wipe it for you." She mocked.

Orm, unable to find her voice amidst the emotional turmoil, let her tears flow silently, feeling the weight of Lingling's words bearing down on her.

As the tension reached its peak, Faye intervened, extending her arms to create a barrier between the two girls. "Wait, what the hell is happening here?" Faye's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, her gaze shifting between orm and her sister. "And what target are you saying, Lingling?"

Lingling stood defiantly in front of the younger woman, her eyes locked on her with a fierce determination. Ignoring the presence of her sister, she confronted Orm without any barriers between them. Lingling's words pierced through her like sharp knives, each one inflicting a deep, agonizing pain.

Tears streamed down Orm's face uncontrollably, no matter how hard she tried to wipe them away, they continued to flow freely. With a trembling voice, she finally spoke out, her emotions raw and unfiltered.


"Enough! You can't just accuse me like this, hurling insults at me when you know nothing! Who do you think you are to speak to me like that? No one has ever treated me this way, only you!" Orm lost her patience and exploded.

"Oh really? It was obvious that you--", Her words got cut by her older sister.

"Ling, please stop falsely accusing Nong Orm. I am actually pursuing Yoko, Her friend. I invited them to have a meal. Since we both arrived last, Nong and I decided to enter together. Her other friends are already inside." Faye interrupted calmly and let out a sigh.

Lingling's face shifted upon hearing her sister's words. Her face displayed a mix of relief and a hint of regret for wrongly accusing Orm. Despite this, she kept up a piercing gaze, maintaining a stern exterior.

"Let's get inside, nong. your friends are probably waiting for you." Faye said, holding Orm's wrist.

Lingling watch as Faye's hand reached orm's. She glared at it and yanked her sister's hand. "Orm, is coming with me." She said firmly.

"Her friends are already waiting for her" Faye said with furrowed brows.

Lingling ignored her and continued to drag the younger girl.

"Let me go!" Orm is struggling to escape from Lingling's hold.

"Ling, if you don't free nong orm right now, I'll tell dad about this erratic behaviors of yours." Faye threatened prompting lingling to stop and turn to glare at her. She then slowly released the younger's hand and left.

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