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The night was filled with the steady sound of waves crashing on the shore, a natural thing that offered comfort and peace. Inside the tiny space, however, a different kind of trouble brewed. Lingling couldn't sleep and kept shifting around, trapped by her own restless thoughts. The cause of her stress lay next to her: Engfah, a sleeping giant whose loud snores filled the room like a foghorn in thick mist. She tried everything to block out the noise. She moved, covered her ears, and even used her pillow to muffle the sound. But the snores persisted, a relentless beat that destroyed any chance of rest. Just as she started to drift off, Engfah would move, shaking the bed and waking her up again. She watched the woman sleep, her mouth open, hand rubbing her tummy, shirt open, and thought how peaceful she looked. But Lingling is miserable. She couldn't take it anymore, so she went outside to the beach house to find comfort in the sound of the waves instead.

After her morning shower and getting dressed, she spotted Engfah outside the beach house, looking like she'd just woken up and was struggling to get a signal on her phone, hair's a mess.

Toweling off her wet hair, she walked over to her. "I told you there's no signal here." she said. "Get ready, we're going somewhere." She then headed back inside.

"I'm ready!" Engfah announced, finally emerging from the beach house. "Where are we headed? I'm totally up for a swim. Thank goodness I brought my rash guard!" She beamed, already excited, her goggles perched on her head.

Lingling shook her head and started walking. and Engfah, practically bouncing with excitement, followed right behind.

Minutes later, Engfah's confusion grew. She frowned and asked, "Ahhh Kwong? we're way past the beach. Why are we still walking? Aren't we going swimming?"

"You can swim later" Lingling said nonchalantly, "After this."

She didn't reply, only letting out a frustrated sigh. Her eyes, narrowed in annoyance, followed the CEO's retreating figure.

The long walk finally ended. Engfah's eyes darted around, trying to make sense of their surroundings. They are at the cemetery. her eyes landing on the CEO as she knelt beside a tomb. unsure of what to do, she decided to sit down as well.

Engfah leaned closer to read the inscription on the grave. Her eyes widened in recognition as she realized Kwong is visiting the grave of her best friend, Orm's father.

Lingling placed the white rose beside the grave, then gently brushed away some dried leaves. "Hi sir," she said with a smile. "It's me, Lingling. You probably don't remember me, I was only eight years old when you last saw me."

"Sir, I've always admired you and the love you had for your family. your daughter is an amazing woman, and I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I want to ask for your blessing to ask her to marry me. I know you would want her to be happy, and I promise to make her the happiest woman in the world."

Lingling's voice, soft and filled with emotion, carried on the breeze. She spoke to him as if he were still there, as if he could hear her, feel her love. She told him about Orm, her love for his daughter and how much she cherished her, how she saw a future with her, a future filled with love and peace. Her words were proof to the depth of her feelings, a heartfelt appeal for his blessing.

She spoke of her respect for him, for the man he was, for the love he had for his family. She knew he would want Orm to be happy, to find someone who would love her as much as he loved her. Lingling’s words were a bridge across the chasm of time, a plea for understanding, a request for his blessing on their love.

She had no intention of lingering. Her visit was a brief one, a simple gesture of respect and a request for blessing. The sun, now high in the sky, beat down with a fierce intensity, its rays turning the air into a shimmering haze. The heat pricked at their skin, a reminder of the passing of time.

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