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On that night, Orm didn't return home, causing concern among her friends who noticed her absence in their group chat. They had planned to gather for a discussion about their upcoming graduation pictorial the next morning, but Orm's lack of response left them worried. Orm intentionally switched off her phone to seek solitude, overwhelmed by emotional distress that made it difficult for her to acknowledge the scheduled pictorial.

As the sun rose on the day of their graduation pictorial, tension filled the air at the university. Orm, usually the life of the group, was nowhere to be found. Her absence cast a shadow over the excited chatter of her friends who anxiously awaited her arrival.

Yoko, with furrowed brows and a frown of concern, couldn't hide her worry. "Where on earth is Orm? She has been out of reach since last night." she exclaimed, her eyes darting back and forth to the entrance of the university, hoping to catch a glimpse of her missing friend.

Beside her, Becky mirrored Yoko's anxiety but tried to offer a sliver of hope. "Let's just wait a little more. We still have 56 minutes. Maybe she's on her way" Becky reassured, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Despite the passing minutes ticking away, Orm remained a ghost, her phone silent and her whereabouts unknown. The impending pictorial, a milestone they were meant to celebrate together, now loomed with a sense of incompleteness and worry. The once joyful occasion now tinged with the absence of their dear friend, leaving her friends to wonder and wait, hoping for Orm's safe return.

Orm woke up from a deep slumber, her head throbbing despite not having indulged in any drinks the night before. The rain outside seemed to be the culprit, as she had slept in it while breaking down. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar place, confusion evident on her face as she realized she wasn't wearing the same clothes as the night before. Instead of panicking, she decided to lay back, resting her arm on her forehead as she closed her eyes.

The door creaked open, but Orm remained calm until she heard a voice. "Ah, you seem awake already. How are you feeling?" The tall and beautiful model, named View, stood before her with a tray of breakfast and medicine, placing it on the table near the bed with a warm smile.

The laying woman smiled tiredly. "My head hurts."

"I have prepared breakfast for you, and there is also medicine. You should take it after you finish eating" The model spoke gently.

Slowly sitting up, View assisted her in leaning on the bed. "Are you able to eat on your own, or would you like me to feed you?" View asked playfully but sincerely.

With a soft laugh, orm said apologetically, "I can handle it myself. Sorry for bothering you."

View shook her head. "No, it's okay. You didn't bother me. I actually have nothing to do today but stay home"

"By the way, I swapped your clothes last night. I couldn't bear to let you sleep in damp clothes from the rain. I hope you understand" View added, shyly. Earning a nod and thumbs up from the girl in the bed.

The truth is, she likes seeing Orm asleep on her bed. Last night, as she was driving home, she noticed someone on the street but couldn't see clearly due to the heavy rain. Upon approaching, she realized it was Orm. Concerned, she got out of her car and hurried to her who was sleeping with her head on her knees. Witnessing Orm tremble in her sleep by the seaside, tugged her heart. She gently guided Orm into her car, as Orm was unconscious and drenched from the rain. Lacking a towel, she used her blazer to wipe Orm's face and arms before swiftly driving them home.

"Let's share this." Orm offered, pertaining to the breakfast.

With a smile, view took a seat on the edge of the bed, "I will eat later. My priority at the moment is you. Please hurry as you still need to make it in time for your graduation photoshoot."

Upon hearing the urgent reminder, Orm jerked in surprise, her eyes widening with sudden realization. Hastily, she devoured the rest of her meal and swallowed her medicine, while View observed with a silent laugh at Orm's restless state. "Oh no, I don't have my school uniform here." Orm blurted out, momentarily forgetting about her headache.

"Calm down, Orm," View reassured with a laugh. "Go take a quick shower, and I'll drive you home to get your uniform and then to school."

Without hesitation, Orm dashed off to the bathroom.

"You can use any of my spare things in there, Orm. There's plenty to choose from" View called out, ensuring Orm heard from inside the bathroom.

View swiftly selected some of her unused clothes for Orm, preparing everything for her impending departure.

Orm efficiently completed her shower in less than 15 minutes. Upon emerging from the bathroom, her eyes landed on the neatly arranged, unused clothes laid out on the bed. It seemed that View had discreetly left the room to give her some privacy. With a smile, she grabbed the clothes and swiftly dressed herself.

As orm made her way downstairs, View rose from the couch and grabbed her car keys. "Are you good to go?" View inquired, receiving a nod of confirmation from Orm.

They both entered the car, and as View scrutinized Orm's face, she noticed the puffiness around her eyes.
"Let me quickly apply some makeup for you" View suggested. Orm chuckled, realizing she had forgotten her makeup. Orm was known for always wearing makeup as she had a fondness for it. View, however, believed Orm was naturally beautiful without it but wanted to help conceal the swollen eyes, likely from crying the night before.

View's intention was to use makeup to hide the puffiness around Orm's eyes, despite her belief that Orm's beauty shone even without it.

After hastily changing into her school uniform, Orm settled into the passenger seat of the car. The driver navigated the streets with a sense of urgency yet maintained a safe pace. As they approached the university, Orm unbuckled her seatbelt and gazed out the window with a grateful smile.

"Thank you for doing this for me" Orm expressed her appreciation to View, who returned the gesture with a tender smile. The model nodded in acknowledgment and grinned, teasingly remarking, "Oh, to be able to witness the soft Orm. Go now, you have 15 minutes left." in a sarcastic yet playful tone.

Orm stepped out of the car, a grin on her face, and paused to give View a final wave before heading towards the university. As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and warmth, as if the pain she had experienced the night before had slightly eased, thanks to View's efforts to make her smile that day.

Her friends quickly sprang up from their seats as they caught sight of her timid entrance into the room, her gaze fixed on the floor. Rushing towards her, they bombarded her with questions, concern evident in their voices. "Finally, you're here. Orm, are you okay? Why haven't you been responding to our chats and calls? And why has your phone been off since last night?" Prig fired off the questions, her tone laced with worry.

As She raised her head to meet their gazes, her friends' expressions shifted to confusion and concern. The signs of distress were evident on Orm's face, her puffy eyes betraying the sleepless night she had endured, despite attempts to conceal them. Becky reached out, holding her hand gently, her voice filled with concern as she asked, "Orm, what happened to you?"

"I'll tell you later, right now I just want to finish this pictorial." Orm replied softly, making her way to her seat. Her friends followed suit, their worry palpable in the silence that enveloped them. Sensing Orm's need for space, they chose to remain by her side in quiet support.

Prig, standing beside Becky, whispered angrily, "Whoever made Orm cry like this will have to deal with me." Yoko nudged Prig, a pained expression crossing her face at the outburst. "If I were you, I'd go back to your room. Why are you even here in our department?" she retorted.

"Go back to your department, Prigkhing. Let's just catch up later. The photoshoot is about to begin" Becky urged, prompting Prig to roll her eyes before making her way out of the room.

As the pictorial commenced, Becky and Yoko couldn't tear their eyes away from their friend. Their worry for their friend was evident as they watched her put on a fake smile for the camera, the facade crumbling once the lens was turned away. Amidst the flashes and poses, Orm's true emotions shone through, reflecting a deep sadness that tugged at the hearts of her concerned friends.

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