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"How far does your kiss go, kiddo?" Lingling challenge her.

Lingling's eyebrows danced with amusement as she watched Orm's gaze linger on her lips, a playful smirk playing on her face.

Before the mature woman could rise from her seat, the younger woman gently took her face in her hands and planted a kiss on her lips.

The lingering kiss held them both in place, neither daring to move the kiss. Orm, unsure of how to react, was met with a smirk on Lingling's lips. "That's it, kid? Want me to show you how?"

With a hint of smugness, Orm pulled back from the lingering kiss and awkwardly cleared her throat, ""Uh, no. I actually know how to kiss, it's just..."

"It's just what? Hmm?"

"Ahh.. It's just i--"

Lingling cutted her words, "You should head home now. I've got to be somewhere in an hour."

"Ohh. Ah yeah."

Time ticked by, and Orm remained rooted in place, her gaze fixed on Lingling as she moved about.  The older woman finally turned to her, a questioning look in her eyes, and asked, "Do you have somewhere else you need to be?"

The taller woman shook her head, "I don't know. I'll probably just head home."

"Alright then, I'll drive you home."
"It's okay, I rode my bike here."

Lingling just nodded her head while fixing her things.

The two girls walked out of the building in companionable silence.

"I'm going now, Phi. Take care on your way."

"You too. Go home straightly."

Orm nodded curtly and walked towards her Big Bike. Lingling watched her as she left and sighed.


I've been stuck in this car for ages. Orm is driving me crazy. She's so stubborn, and I've told her "no" a million times already. But she just won't give up. I swear, she must be really into me.

I try to avoid giving her any hope, so I don't flirt back when she does. But I made a mistake earlier. I tried to get a reaction out of her, and it backfired. I know Orm, she's a bit of a wild card. I'm starting to feel really frustrated, and maybe even a little guilty. It's tough when someone is so persistent, especially when you're not interested. I need to figure out how to handle this situation without making things worse. Maybe I should just talk to her seriously, or maybe I need to find a way to politely but firmly tell her that I'm not interested. Whatever I do, I need to do it soon, before things get even more complicated.

I'm not sure if I can really do it. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I also don't want to lead her on.  Maybe I should just wait and see if she loses interest on her own? This is all so complicated, and it's just adding to my stress.

My phone's vibration jolted me out of my trance. "I'm on my way"


Lingling pulled into the restaurant parking lot, the familiar routine settling over her. She switched off the engine and took a moment to gather her things, the evening air cool against her skin. She straightened her dress and headed towards the entrance, the warm glow of the restaurant beckoning.

Inside, the usual buzz of conversation and clinking glasses greeted her. Win's table was by the window, as always, and she could see him looking up, a smile lighting up his face. He waved enthusiastically, his excitement evident.

Lingling smiled back, a more subdued response. "Hey, Win," she said, taking the seat he pulled out for her.  "You're early."

"Couldn't wait to see you," he replied, his enthusiasm undimmed. Lingling chuckled softly. "Well, I'm here now," she said, settling into the chair. "Let's eat."

The waiter cleared their plates, leaving a comfortable silence in the booth. Win leaned back, his eyes twinkling as he met Lingling's gaze. "So," he began, his voice a low murmur, "tell me about your day.  Anything exciting happen?"

Lingling shrugged, taking a sip of her wine. "Nothing too exciting, really," she replied, her voice casual. "Just the usual work stuff. Although, there was this incident with a client..."

He listened intently, his head tilted slightly, as if absorbing every word. His hand, ever so slightly, brushed against hers as he reached for the bread basket. She barely registered it, her mind already drifting back to the details of the meeting.

"You know," he said, his voice a soft chuckle, "I'm always fascinated by what you do. It all sounds so...complicated."

Lingling smiled, a faint amusement in her eyes. "It can be," she admitted, "but it's also very rewarding." She leaned back in her chair, her gaze drifting towards the window. "And it's definitely more interesting than dealing with, well, myself," she added with a playful wink.

Win chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.  "Well," he said, "I'm glad you're here with me now.  This is much more enjoyable." He reached for her hand, his touch gentle, and held it for a moment, his gaze lingering on her face.

"And," he continued, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I'm really enjoying this conversation." He squeezed her hand lightly, and she felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She knew, even in the midst of the bustling restaurant, that they were creating a world of their own, a world where time seemed to slow down, and every moment was a cherished treasure. But for now, she was content to simply enjoy the warmth of his presence, the gentle hum of conversation filling the space between them.

After dinner, Lingling and Win stood outside the restaurant, the cool night air swirling around them.

"You should have let me fetch you so I could send you home," Win said, his voice warm.

Lingling shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's alright. I didn't want to make you wait."

"So, see you next time then?" Win asked, his eyes hopeful.

Lingling nodded, her gaze meeting his for a moment before she looked away.

Win leaned in, his lips brushing against hers. But Lingling turned her head slightly, so his kiss landed on her cheek instead.

They both laughed awkwardly, the air thick with unspoken feelings.

"Well, I'll see you around," Win said, his voice a little shaky.

Lingling nodded again, and then she turned and walked towards her car, leaving Win standing there, his smile fading into a thoughtful frown.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now