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The TV flickered, showing a silly movie on the screen. Ying was on the couch, munching on popcorn, her eyes glued to the action. Orm, her cousin, was sprawled beside her, head resting on her shoulder.

She wasn't really paying attention to the movie. She was just enjoying the feeling of being near Ying. They were close, like that. They'd been cousins forever, always comfortable being around each other.

The movie got to a funny part, and they both laughed. Ying nudged Orm with her elbow, and she grinned at her.

When the movie finished, they sat there for a while, just enjoying the quiet. Orm shifted, her arm still around Ying. "Thanks for letting me crash here"

Ying shrugged. "You're always here more than I am."

They were just cousins, but sometimes, being around each other felt really nice. They sat in comfortable silence for a while longer, the warmth of their shared space a familiar comfort. Then, Ying's phone buzzed. She checked it.

"Oh, shoot," she said, pulling away from Orm. "I totally forgot. I have to go to Lingling's place. She's not feeling well and we were supposed to hang out."

Orm sat up, but her face lit up. "Oh, okay. Well, why don't we both go? It's been a while since I've seen Lingling, and I'm sure she'd appreciate the company."

"You seem pretty nonchalant about seeing her." Ying sarcastically rolled her eyes.

Orm grinned. "I'm not asking anymore. Let's go."
She stood up and stretched, eyes twinkling.

Ying couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, alright," she said, grabbing her jacket. "Let's go see Lingling."


As they pulled up to the Kwong mansion, Orm's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't realized how much she'd been looking forward to seeing Lingling. "Ah it's been a while since i visited this mansion"

Ying sat on the couch, "Nong orm, would you please go and fetch Lingling on her room?"


After knocking three times on Lingling's door, Orm turned the knob when she got permission to enter. Upon entering the room, she noticed Lingling lying on her bed sideways. She approached Lingling and sat down beside her, gently placing a hand on her forehead to check for any signs of fever. "Did you take your medicine?"

Lingling quickly turned her head to look at the person speaking and was surprised. "Nong Orm?"

The younger one giggled, "Why are you so surprised, Phi? I came with Phi Ying. She's downstairs."

The feverish woman's lips formed an O shape. She sat up and leaned her back on the head board.

"What would you like to eat? I'll make it for you." Orm asked.

Lingling smiled, "I'm alright, just a bit of a headache. Nothing to worry about."

Orm pouted, "But I still want to make you something to eat."

"Okay, let's go down. I'm looking forward to what you'll make."

The younger woman gently supported the older one as they descended the stairs, receiving a smirk from Ying.

"Where's Auntie and Uncle?" Ying asked, settling down next to Lingling on the sofa. "They're out of the country," Lingling replied casually, flipping through a magazine. "They're on some big adventure, exploring the world. You know how they love to travel" Ying chuckled, picturing her friend's parents, always up for a new experience.

"What about Faye and Freen? I haven't seen them around since earlier"

"Freen stayed at Becky's place for a while, keeping her company since Becky's parents were also out of the country. And Phi Faye mentioned that she wouldn't be staying the night here as she had other plans."

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now