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Freen's voice remained calm, but her words were sharp. "Why are you fucking Orm?"

The humid air hung heavy as their silence a stark contrast to the bustling city life around them. Lingling, seemingly unaffected by the weight of their conversation, stared blankly into the distance, mirroring Freen's detached gaze.

"It's none of your business" Lingling finally spoke, her voice flat and emotionless.

Freen, however, was quick to retort, a hint of amusement in her tone. "None of my business, you say? We may not be close, but she's my girlfriend's best friend, and I consider her as family's close friend"

Lingling remained silent, her stoicism fueling Freen's growing frustration.

"Why do you treat her like a disposable object, using her for sex when it's convenient, then abandoning her and coming back only when you're aroused?" Freen snapped, her words sharp and cutting.

"I've already said it's none of your concern, and I don't pry into your life either." Lingling countered, her voice calm despite the simmering anger beneath the surface.

"You could choose someone else, but why Orm?" Freen pressed, ignoring her words.

"If you're just looking for casual sex, why not stick with Win? It seems like you're hurting Orm in the process." She continued.

"She'll understand, freen. She agreed to this arrangement, so she can't complain about being hurt." Lingling said, her words callous and devoid of empathy.

"You're being really cruel. You're using her feelings for you, even though she loves you. Just because she doesn't say anything doesn't mean she's not hurting." Freen exclaimed, her voice rising with each word.

"You keep going back and forth between Orm and Win. Orm is too young to be caught up in this kind of situation."

"That's the problem, Freen! She's too young to be in love with me. I don't understand why I treated her like someone to just have sex with. All I know is I need to figure out what my true feelings are." Lingling confessed, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability.

"And did you figure it out?" Freen asked, her tone laced with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

Lingling shook her head. "No. Orm made me feel whole, but I'm also happy with Win."

Both women heaved a sigh, the silence that followed heavy with unspoken emotions. Freen, ready to end the conversation, stated, "Love has its limits. When people aren't valued, they'll walk away. They won't stay forever in a relationship that's uncertain."

"I don't think she's upset. It's been a week since she last texted or called me when I left for Japan." Lingling said, her voice laced with a hint of defiance.

"Of course she wouldn't contact you. You're out of the country with your boy. What do you expect? Orm will keep bothering you even though you made it clear she shouldn't question you?" Freen said sarcastically, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Besides, she's free to enjoy her own life. She's 22 years old. If I hadn't seen her at the bar and forced her to talk to me about it, I wouldn't know any of this." Freen continued not realizing she slides, revealing something.

Lingling's brow wrinkled in confusion, her heart started pounding. "At the bar? She never goes to bars. She didn't tell me about it."

Freen chuckled in annoyance. "Why would she tell you when you clearly don't care about her in the first place?"

"Oh, and look at this," Freen pulled out her phone and showing Lingling a picture. "They look great together, don't they? Look at those smiles while they're talking. And mind you, the girl is View Benyapa, the gorgeous model. She's the same age as Orm." She then turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket before starting to walk away. However, Lingling quickly stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"What were they doing together? Did you see? Was the girl being touchy towards her?" Lingling asked directly, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and jealousy.

Freen smirked and shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know. But if you don't care about Orm, then someone else will." With that, Freen walked away, leaving Lingling breathing hard, her anger and jealousy simmering beneath the surface.

Lingling swiftly pulled out her phone and dialed a number. "Fuck it, answer this orm" muttering under breath as she walks back and forth.

She's been calling the girl for a minute now, but there's no answer, just the ringing tone. Her patience is wearing thin. If she keeps pacing back and forth like this, she'll get dizzy.

Gritting her teeth, she dialed again, and finally, the call was answered. "Or-"

"Hello?" Her words were cut short when the voice on the other line wasn't Orm's.

She became alert and, "Who are you? Where is Orm?"

Lingling's heart hammered in her chest. The voice on the other end of the line wasn't Orm's. The noise in the background was deafening, and she couldn't make out what the person was saying. Lingling isn't stupid. This is a bar.

She grabbed her car keys and practically ran down the stairs, her voice a low growl as she spoke. "Tell me what bar it is? Right now, send me the location. And don't you dare leave. I'm warning you, whoever you are."

Before she could even get into her car, a message popped up on her phone. It was the location of the bar. She slammed the car into gear and sped off, her knuckles white as she gripped the steering wheel.

The minutes stretched into an eternity. Her patience was fraying, the anxiety building inside her like a pressure cooker. The possibility of someone else touching Orm, or worse, drove her insane. She muttered curses under her breath, her mind racing with every passing second.

On the bar, View had invited Orm to meet up, wanting to continue their conversation from the last time, which had been cut short by Freen.  They hadn't planned on drinking much, just wanted to hang out. But Orm had a low tolerance for alcohol. View had warned her against the hard stuff, but Orm, being stubborn, ignored her advice.

Lingling arrived at the bar and wasted no time in pushing through the entrance. People were packed in, and one guy, likely drunk, almost collided with her. She reacted instinctively, kicking his foot out from under him before he could even stumble at her, making the dude's face land on the floor.

Her eyes scanned the crowded room, searching relentlessly. Finally, her gaze landed on the woman she'd come for.

Her eyes burned with a mixture of anger and hurt as she saw Orm clinging to View, her head resting on View's shoulder.

She marched over to the two girls and pulled Orm away from View, breaking their embrace.

View's eyebrows creased as she stood up straight, her voice sharp. "Who are you?"

Lingling, her anger simmering, mirrored View's question. "And who are you?"

"I'm View Benyapa. Orm's friend. Are you the girl who called earlier?" View extended her hand for a handshake with a gentle smile but Lingling ignored it.

"I'm taking her home." Lingling said coldly, slipping Orm's left arm around her shoulder and holding onto her waist for support.

View watched them go, scratching her head awkwardly. "Why is everyone always taking Orm away?" she muttered to herself. "Our hangout never lasts."

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