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Minutes of silence passed by as Win stared at Orm, waiting for her answer.

"I don't think I can help you with that" Orm said, avoiding his gaze before continuing, "Lingling is the one who can provide the answers you seek. We're close yes. But we don't discuss her personal stuff. You can figure it out on your own. I'd rather not get involved."

Win's smile faded, a shadow crossing his face. He knew why Orm didn't want to help him with this. Because the girl standing before him, was also in love with the woman he admired the most. He also knew that Orm held a special place in Lingling's heart, a place he could never reach. Despite his long-standing connection with the woman he loves, he has never witnessed the same level of love in Lingling's eyes towards him as he sees when she looks at Orm. While Lingling has never shown jealousy towards him when other girls flirt with him or being close to him, he has observed numerous occasions where the woman he loves becomes easily jealous when it involves Orm. Merely mentioning the younger girl's name causes Lingling to lose her composure.

But Win's ego was too high to accept defeat, even to his step-sister. He despised the thought of losing to someone, especially to the woman he loved. The idea of being second best to Orm fueled his determination. He refused to let himself be overshadowed, not even by anyone. His pride would not allow it.

As the tension hung heavy in the air, Win grappled with his emotions, his resolve hardening. The battle for Lingling's heart had never seemed more daunting, but Win was not one to back down easily. The rivalry between Win and Orm had reached a new level, and the stakes were higher than ever.

"I suppose I'll have to rely on my own efforts" he remarked.

Win discreetly dialed Lingling's number on his phone to avoid Orm's notice. He placed the phone on his bed as Lingling answered the call.

He suddenly grabbed orm by the waist. The younger woman flinched from the sudden touch. "Phi Win" She mumbled.

Lingling, who had spent hours inside her car, made the decision to confront Win about the night she witnessed at the cafe. As she neared Win's condo, her phone rang, displaying Win's name on the caller ID. She answered the call and switched it to speakerphone. "Win, I'm outside your place." she announced, but there was silence from Win's end. Just as she was about to end the call and exit her car to enter his condo, she heard a familiar voice in the background of the call.

"Phi Win" Orm's voice echoed through the phone. Lingling's face displayed confusion as her instincts kicked in. She realized that her suspicions were correct - Orm was with Win. However, she had not anticipated that their meeting would take place in Win's private condo. Lingling listened attentively to the conversation unfolding on the phone.

She then heard Win's voice in the background, "Nong Orm, what are you doing here in my condo?"

Fueled by fury, Lingling swiftly exited her car and rushed into the man's condo.

Win schemed to create the impression that Orm had visited his condo without his knowledge. He pretended to be surprised during the call, aiming to convey to Lingling that Orm's inappropriate behavior had exceeded expectations by coming to his place. He intended to incite hatred and disgust in Lingling towards Orm through this scheme. Unbeknownst to Win, Lingling was outside his condo during this exchange.

As he seized Orm's waist, the young girl stumbled and fell on top of him, losing her balance due to the abrupt touch.

As the door abruptly swung open, both Orm and Win were caught off guard, their expressions reflecting shock at the unexpected intrusion. Lingling stood in the doorway, her eyes brimming with tears, her heart shattered by the scene unfolding before her. She felt as though her heart was being pierced by a thousand knives, the sight before her unimaginable. Orm, appearing to seduce Win, dominated the scene, filled Lingling with a deep sense of disgust and betrayal.

Approaching them, Lingling forcefully intervened by pulling Orm away from Win, who feigned innocence, portraying as if orm is the aggressor. Orm, bewildered by the unfolding events, found herself caught in the midst of Lingling's aggressive actions. Lingling's sudden assertiveness and the chaotic scene inside Win's condo left the younger girl reeling with confusion. Lingling's forceful push nearly caused her to lose her balance, leaving her stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

With a mixture of rage and revulsion etched on her face, Lingling pointed a trembling finger at Orm, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Is this the extent of your desperation, Orm? I had no idea you were such a promiscuous slut!" In a pained and broken voice, she accused Orm of being desperate and labeled her with a hurtful slur.

"Your words at me, Ling. I don't know what you're saying." Orm, still trying to comprehend the accusations thrown at her.

Lingling laughed painfully, gritting her teeth. "You're not only trying to seduce me but also Win. Who else? Oh and the girl you are always with. View? Yes, with view benyapa as well right? Are you attempting to fuck with everyone?"

Orm was unable to respond as Lingling continued to shout at her, her voice piercing and relentless. "You're not satisfied with just fucking with me and the girl you're always with! And now you're pursuing another man? A finger isn't enough for you, is it?" Lingling's words pierced her whole being. The older woman was eyeing her up and down with disgust.

Turning her attention to Win, "How did Orm find out where you live?"

"I'm not sure. She just appeared out of nowhere and attempted to kiss me." Win nonchalantly shrugged, claiming ignorance to Orm's sudden appearance and alleging that she had initiated advances towards him.

Orm's gaze fell upon the phone on the bed, realization dawning on her that she had been manipulated by her supposed stepbrother, Win, who ended the call with a smirk as Lingling redirected her focus back to Orm.

"I didn't arrive here on my own. He was the one who brought me here." Orm, drained and defeated, asserted that she had been brought to the condo. She no longer cared whether Lingling believed her or not, as she was losing the willpower to speak.

"Why would Win bring you here? I can see how eager you are for his attention since that night at the cafe. You're repulsive, Orm. You disgust me immensely." Lingling, consumed by a mix of pain and anger, continued to berate the younger girl.

Unable to utter a word, the taller woman's mind consumed by anguish, every ounce of pain flooding her being, rendering her speechless. Tears welled up in her eyes, her heartache palpable. Despite Lingling's relentless barrage of hurtful words, she felt numb, her heart shattering with each echoing beat.

"Are you done?" Orm's short words finally broke through the cacophony.

Silenced by Orm's question, Lingling's gaze lingered at her, her disdain palpable as she struggled to process the betrayal before her.

Orm, sensing the weight of Lingling's accusations, expressed her intent to leave, "If you've finished yelling and hurling sweet words my way, I'll take my leave now."

She briefly glanced at Win, who stood smirking triumphantly behind the older woman, before turning her gaze back to Lingling, with her eyes filled with pain and the look of giving up.

Gathering her belongings and departing, leaving behind a trail of pain and shattered trust in her wake.

Lingling stood there, her heart heavy with hurt and her emotions in turmoil, as the echoes of their confrontation lingered in the air, a painful reminder of the fractures that had torn their relationships apart.

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