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The sun was beginning to set as the graduation pictorial came to an end, leaving a sense of satisfaction and happiness in the hearts of all the upcoming graduating students. However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, Orm stood apart, lost in her own world.

As Orm's friends finished their turn and looked around for her, they realized she was nowhere to be found. Concerned, they tried calling her, but her phone remained silent. Determined to find her, they searched the campus and eventually spotted her sitting under a tree at the back of the university, engrossed in a book.

Approaching her with relief, Prig's voice broke the silence. "Here you are. Why didn't you wait for us?"

Orm, still immersed in her book, offered no immediate response. Her friends settled down beside her, urging her to turn on her phone as they couldn't reach her.

"I lost my phone." Orm stated nonchalantly, revealing the truth behind her unreachable state. a phone lost in the rush of a previous night's ride on her big bike.

Concerned for their friend, Becky spoke softly, "Orm, if something is bothering you or if you're facing a problem, we're here to listen."

Closing her book, Orm leaned back against the tree and sighed before blurting out, "Win manipulated me."

In a wave of emotions, Orm began to pour out her heart, recounting the betrayal she had experienced. She detailed how Win had gained her trust only to shatter it in a single night, leading to misunderstandings with Lingling and a cascade of painful events. Tears streamed down Orm's face as she shared her story, her sobs choking her words.

Her friends, moved by Orm's vulnerability, shed tears alongside her, feeling the weight of her pain.

"From the beginning, I never really trusted Win." Yoko admitted.

"And the fact that Lingling believed in his scheme is truly the stupidest thing she has ever done." Prig added with a hint of anger.

"The stupidest thing Lingling has ever done is hurting a kind soul like you, Orm. Thankfully, you've learned to see the truth." Becky consoled.

"I don't care anymore. I just want to heal and focus on my life, surrounded by those who truly deserve to be in it. I've learned to let go of those who don't belong." Orm declared with newfound strength.

Her friends nodded in agreement, relieved that Orm had found her worth and was ready to move forward with a renewed sense of self-worth and resilience.

Lingling chose to stay at home instead of going to work, feeling too drained to engage with anyone, including her clients. Just like Orm, she switched off her phone and left it behind on her desk. The previous night, she sought solace in alcohol, drowning her sorrows in a haze of intoxication.

Lingling dwells on the hurtful words she directed at the younger girl, grappling with the belief that Orm may have warranted such treatment for toying with her emotions. Despite feeling justified in her anger towards the tall girl, she acknowledges her lack of entitlement to lash out with harsh words, recognizing that Orm was never truly hers to begin with. She was the one who repeatedly turned down the younger girl's advances, explicitly stating that she did not harbor any romantic feelings towards Orm, nor did she foresee ever developing any. Orm has the autonomy to make choices in her own life. She acknowledges that her desire to control the younger girl's actions was her own, realizing that she never explicitly granted Orm permission to pursue her. She questions if she is the one manipulating Orm in this situation, pondering why she feels this intense anger despite these thoughts. Lingling grapples with conflicting emotions but remains steadfast in her beliefs, feeling a lingering sense of anger and disgust towards Orm.

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