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Win stood on the balcony of his home, a glass of wine in hand, a smirk playing on his lips. His plan, his evil plan, was unfolding before his eyes, and it filled him with a twisted sense of satisfaction. Ever since the moment he had crossed paths with Orm, Win had sensed a connection between her and the woman he loved. The sight of Orm visiting Lingling at the office never failed to irritate him, but his sweet, innocent facade made it easy for him to hide any ulterior motives. However, Win's gut feeling was confirmed one fateful day as he made his way to the CEO's office and stumbled upon them locked in a passionate kiss

Shocked and disbelieving, Win tried to gaslight himself into thinking he hadn't witnessed what he saw, but deep down, he knew the truth. His suspicions only grew stronger as he began to follow Lingling and Orm, observing their secret rendezvous in Lingling's private unit. With a devious gleam in his eyes, Win plotted to pit the two women against each other, relishing in the prospect of watching them crumble.

Meanwhile, Orm's conversation with her mother unfolded over the phone, a tender moment shared between mother and daughter. "Mom, thank you," Orm expressed her gratitude, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Confused, her mother inquired, "For what, my daughter?"

Orm's smile widened as she replied, "For giving me an older brother."

A moment of silence passed before her mother's realization dawned. "So you've met him already?"

"Yes, mother. I'm acquainted with him. He's the business associate of a friend of mine, and I'm delighted that my future brother is someone I already know." Orm shared, emphasizing the word "friend."

"Small world, isn't it?" her mom mused softly.

Orm's tone shifted as she playfully pouted, "Mom, why did you keep the man you're seeing a secret from me?"

Her feigned offense elicited a chuckle from her mother, who explained her hesitation. "Honey, I wanted to wait until you were ready. I envisioned introducing you to him in person, not just through stories. But Win beat me to it."

Understanding her mother's intentions, Orm reassured her, "It's okay, mom. I want you to be happy."

Lingling found herself unable to focus on her tasks, consumed by relentless overthinking about what she had witnessed that fateful night. The image of two individuals entangled in a way that stirred a storm of emotions within her mind haunted her every waking moment. She felt a surge of anger coursing through her veins, the source of which she could not pinpoint. It was the sight of Orm, so intimately connected with Win, that ignited the flames of fury within her.

The confusion and turmoil within Lingling stemmed from the stark contrast between her perception of Orm and the reality she had been forced to confront. She had always believed that Orm's affections were reserved solely for her, that she was the sole recipient of her flirtatious gestures and declarations of love. However, the events of that night shattered her illusions, revealing a side of Orm she had never imagined.

The realization that Orm's charms extended beyond her to others, including the elusive View and now Win, left Lingling reeling. Questions swirled in her mind, each one more tormenting than the last. Why was Orm hugging Win so tightly? What drove Orm to seek out Win with such fervor? Lingling's once clear perception of their relationship was now clouded by doubt and suspicion.

As the weight of these revelations settled upon her, Lingling grappled with the unsettling truth that Orm's intentions may not have been as pure as she had believed. The realization that Orm may have been seducing not just her, but others as well, cast a shadow of betrayal over their once idyllic connection. Lingling's world had been turned upside down, her heart torn between the love she had felt and the betrayal she now perceived.

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