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"Ling, wait for me!" Orm is chasing after Lingling, who keeps quickening her pace.


"What's with the anger? I already explained everything clearly" Orm said, hurrying to keep pace with the woman.

Until they reached their room, and
Lingling paused at the edge of the bed.

Orm followed her into the room. She took a deep breath, her gaze lingering on the upset woman's back before quietly closing the door.

She stepped closer, wrapping her arms around the woman in a back hug and resting her chin on her shoulder. "Stop being mad."

Lingling exhales deeply and pulls away from Orm's back hug then turns to face her. "What were you thinking? I was so close to punching someone to death" her voice is tight with anger.

Orm nodded, a resigned acceptance etched on her face, as she reached for Lingling's hands to ease her. "I'm really sorry, I was so caught up in my plan that I didn't think about the consequences for you."

They held each other's gaze, Orm's smile a thin line, but it was enough to thaw the icy expression on Lingling's face. Orm might make a lot of stupid decisions, but Lingling found it impossible to stay angry with her. She knew, deep down, that even if she was upset, she'd eventually melt and forgive her.

"It's alright, baby" She smiled, tracing her fingers along Orm's cheek. "but next time, think before you act, and don't drag others into your crazy schemes. Even friends don't deserve to be part of your nonsense."

Orm shot her a playful glare then pouted, "Sowwy.."

They fell into each other's arms, a silent understanding passing between them.

Lingling disentangled her arms from the hug, her gaze sweeping over Orm from head to toe. She just noticed, with a slight frown, that Orm was once again wearing a daring dress, one that was far too revealing for public display.

The younger woman looked at her in the eye, "What's wrong?"

"Change your dress." Lingling commanded.

"Huh? What's wrong with my dress? I wear these types of dresses all the time" Orm said, looking down at herself in confusion.

"I said change your dress"

"I don't want to." The younger woman resists.

Lingling nodded, her chin held high. "So, you're not going to change then?"

Orm shook her head stubbornly, crossing her arms in defiance.

"Alright, then. You're making your choice."

Without a moment's thought, Lingling rips Orm's dress, leaving her standing exposed. 

Shock froze the younger one, her eyes bulge and her mouth slack as she instinctively covered her body. "What the..."

Lingling has a self-satisfied smirk on her lips. "You've earned yourself a special kind of punishment," she said, "And I'll be savoring every moment of your punishment today."

"What... What do you mean by that?" Orm stammered, her skin prickled with a sudden chill.

Lingling's footsteps echoed softly on the floor as she walked towards the chair, her eyes never leaving Orm. She sat down with a gentle sigh, her body relaxing into the cushions. "Remove what's left in your body and touch yourself. show me what you're capable of." She said, her smirk is turning predatory. "Don't keep me waiting, I'm watching."

"I... I've never done anything like this before" Orm said, her voice trailing off. She couldn't meet Lingling's gaze, her eyes downcast, and whispered, "Touching myself..."

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now