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Settled down, Orm swept away the dried leaves around her father's grave. "It's been a long time, Dad. How are you?"

She felt a mix of joy and sadness as she cleaned her father's grave. It had been too long since she last visited.  She talked to him, pouring out her heart, even though she knew he couldn't answer. But just being there, near his resting place, was something she wouldn't trade for anything.

Orm smiled, remembering her father's words. He had told her, with a twinkle in his eye, that once she grew up, he would be the first to meet the person she loved. It was a sweet memory, one that brought warmth to her heart even now.

She remembered how her father always picked her up from school, his smile brighter than the sun. He'd always spoil her with ice cream, even though Mom would scold him for letting her eat too much. They'd pass by a little ice cream shop on their way home and enjoy a sweet treat together.

Her father never missed a single school event, even when he was busy. He was always there, cheering her on. Those memories, filled with love and laughter, brought tears to her eyes.

"Daddy, are you proud of me? I'm still trying to become as strong as you."

She had been here for almost an hour, talking to her father without running out of things to say until she almost slept. However, a single raindrop snapped her back to full wakefulness. She said goodbye to her father and stood up. "I'll see you again soon, Dad. And don't worry. when i found my person, I'll introduce them to you."

Lingling, a woman burdened by past events, found herself drawn to a bar. It wasn't her usual haunt, the one she frequented every night after work, drowning herself in alcohol. This time, she was at her best friend Ying's bar, a place she hadn't been to since the incident that had driven a wedge between them.

Ying, who had just stepped out of the back room, spotted Lingling at the bar counter, gulping down a drink like it was water. She shook her head, a mixture of concern and amusement crossing her face. She walks beside her, "It's been a while since I saw you in my bar." Ying said.

Lingling shrugged, her expression blank, and drained another glass, grimacing at the strong alcohol that burned her throat. "Is this your new bartender's mix?"

Ying leaned her elbow on the bar counter and nodded, her eyes fixed on the vibrant crowd dancing on the floor. The bar was bustling with life, yet a heavy silence settled over Lingling and Ying. It was as if the weight of their past hung between them, making conversation awkward and strained.

Ying, her anger long subsided, turned her gaze from the people to Lingling. Time, it seemed, had softened the edges of their hurt. "How are you?" she asked, out of nowhere.

"Great." A lie.

"Yeah, it's not obvious." Ying said in a sarcastic tone.

Lingling's response was dripping with sarcasm, mirroring Ying's earlier tone. "You enjoy seeing me like this? When will you let me know where your cousin is?" She asked as her focus is still on the alcohol glass.

Ying's forehead creased into a frown. "I already told you, I don't know," she replied, her voice laced with frustration. "We haven't been in contact since that day. She must have cut off contact with everyone, and I understand if she did. She needs time for herself."

When Lingling didn't respond, Ying decided to tease her. "Or maybe she already found someone else, or she's already married," she said, her voice light and playful. "Or maybe she's kissing someone right at this mome-"

Ying didn't get to finish her teasing, though. Lingling abruptly stood up, her face hardening into a glare. She grabbed Ying by the collar, her fist clenched tight and trembling, inches from Ying's face. They held that position for a tense few seconds, but instead of fear, Ying erupted into laughter.

The Unwritten Chapter - LingOrmWhere stories live. Discover now