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The door clicked shut behind her, and Orm let out a weary sigh. The hotel room was a blur of beige and white, the air thick with the scent of disinfectant. She didn't bother to change she just tossed her bag onto the floor with a thud and slumped onto the bed, her body collapsing like a deflated balloon.

A choked sob escaped her lips, Just when she thought she'd finally managed to bury the past, to convince herself she was moving on, Lingling had appeared. a stark reminder of the love that Orm had tried so desperately to bury. The ache in her heart, a constant throb, intensified, a confirmation to the fact that Lingling still held a powerful place in her life, a place she couldn't seem to escape, no matter how hard she tried.

Lingling leaned against the cool windowpane, a glass of Teso La Monja warming her hand. The city below was a sparkling mosaic, a sea of twinkling lights reflecting off the cobbled streets. Cars snaked through the narrow lanes, their headlights like fireflies in the darkness. Below, the murmur of Spanish voices rose and fell, a gentle hum against the backdrop of laughter and music spilling out from a nearby tapas bar. She took a sip of her wine, the rich, earthy flavors echoing the vibrant energy of the city.

Lingling savored a moment of quiet contentment, a wave of euphoria washing over her as she traced her lips with her fingers, replaying the kiss with Orm in her mind. After a year of yearning, she was proud of her boldness in confessing her feelings. The memory of Orm's lips against hers, the taste of strawberry and the softness of her touch, lingered vividly. A playful smirk curved her lips as she bit her lower lip, shaking her head at her own foolishness.

Despite Orm's lack of a clear answer, Lingling felt a surge of happiness. She interpreted Orm's words as a green light, and she was determined to follow through on her promise. Lingling might not be eloquent, but she was steadfast in her commitments.

The first rays of dawn, like fingers of light, gently nudged Lingling awake. She stretched, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face as it streamed through the window. A smile bloomed on her lips. Today is a good day. A day for productivity and Lingling is determine to make it a special one.

She hopped out of bed, her feet barely touching the floor before she was already moving. The kitchen beckoned, promising the aroma of a delicious breakfast. Today, she would prepare something special for Orm, a Spanish dish that would surely brighten her morning.

Lingling's hands danced across the counter, chopping vegetables with practiced ease. She sautéed onions and garlic, their fragrance filling the air. Then, she added diced tomatoes, a touch of paprika, and a sprinkle of saffron. As she simmered the sauce, she envisioned Orm's face, her eyes sparkling with delight as she tasted her own cook.

Finally, she fried up some chorizo, its savory aroma mingling with the sweet and tangy sauce. She carefully arranged the chorizo on a bed of fluffy rice, drizzled the sauce over it, and sprinkled it with fresh parsley. This was her masterpiece, a Spanish paella that would be the perfect way to start Orm's day. Lingling carefully packed the paella into a container, her heart overflowing with love.

The steam from the shower swirled around Lingling, a comforting haze in the otherwise crisp morning air. She quickly rinsed, the cool water invigorating her senses. She slipped into a pair of soft, black sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt, a comfortable and casual look that felt effortlessly chic. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, revealing her face, which was bright and ready for the day ahead.

Lingling grabbed the breakfast she had prepared. and placed it on the passenger seat of the guest sleek car. She slid behind the wheel, the leather cool against her skin. With a final glance in the rearview mirror, she started the engine and pulled away, heading towards Orm's hotel. The city was just waking up, the streets alive with the sounds of bustling activity. Lingling smiled, a sense of happiness filling her as she navigated the familiar roads.

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