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6 months later

The hum of the plane engine was a soothing rhythm as Orm settled into her seat. Two years had passed since she last touched down in Thailand, and a wave of anticipation surged through her. She glanced out the window at the fluffy clouds, a stark difference from the city's bustling energy that awaited her. The anticipation was palpable, but a sense of calm settled in as the plane soared higher. It was a strange mix of emotions, a quiet excitement intertwined with a peaceful sense of homecoming. She knew Bangkok would be a whirlwind of familiar sights, sounds, and smells, and she couldn't wait to be swept up in it all.

The air hung heavy with humidity as Orm stepped off the plane, a wave of familiar scents and sounds engulfing her. Two long years since she last felt the pulse of Bangkok, the city that thrummed with life like a giant, beating heart.

She spotted her cousin Ying, her face framed by a cascade of black wavy hair, waving excitedly from the arrival gate. It had been years since they last spoke, their lives drifting apart in the wake of their busy schedules. But two months ago, Orm had decided to reach out, a sudden urge to reconnect with her family pulling at her heartstrings.

"Nong Orm!" Ying called, her voice ringing with excitement. "It's so good to see you!"

Orm rushed into her arms, the warmth of her embrace a balm to the long journey. "Phi!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion. "It feels like forever"

"I can't believe you're finally back," Ying said, her eyes sparkling. "We have so much to catch up on."

The older woman's vision blurred, tears welling in her eyes as she gazed at her cousin. The young woman she knew, with her youthful exuberance and plump cheeks, was gone. In her place stood a woman transformed, a vision of elegant maturity. Orm's once short frame had stretched into a graceful height, her dark gray hair, now cascading down her back, framing a face that had shed its baby fat, revealing sharp, prominent cheekbones. Her brown eyes, once wide and innocent, now held a depth and wisdom that hinted at a life lived. Ying couldn't help but feel a pang of bittersweet nostalgia, a sense of loss for the girl she once knew, yet a profound admiration for the woman Orm had become.

As they walked through the airport, the familiar sights and sounds of Bangkok swirled around them. The chatter of vendors, the honking of tuk-tuks, the scent of street food - it all felt like a homecoming. Orm felt a sense of belonging, a feeling she had missed deeply during her time away.

Orm smiled, her heart brimming. She is home, and the warmth of family, even after years of separation, felt like a comforting embrace.

Ying and Orm settled into their table at the elegant restaurant. Years of unspoken experiences poured out, a torrent of laughter and tears as they recounted their lives, separated by distance and time. Ying listened intently, her heart swelling with pride as Orm spoke of her journey, of leaving Bangkok and embracing a new path. It was a decision that had shaped her, molded her into the strong, independent woman she was today.

She hadn't been home in a long time. Her big, beautiful house, named after her by her dad, was all alone. She missed her family and the happy times they had there. Her mom wanted her to buy a new place, a condo, but Orm didn't want to. She realized that her house was already perfect. It is hers, and it was full of memories. Now, she is back. The house was closed up, but it still felt like home. Orm knew she wasn't just coming back to a building, she was coming back to a part of herself she'd been missing.

As Orm entered, the lights automatically flickered on. The scent that wafted around her was so familiar, so comforting. It brought a wave of nostalgia, and she sighed. "Ah, I miss home."

Ying let out a low chuckle as she surveyed the familiar space. "I've been checking your house twice a week, making sure everything's alright," she said then continued, "And I even hired someone to clean every other week, so you wouldn't come back to a dusty mess."

Orm, her gaze lingering on her cousin, gave a grateful nod. "Thank you, Phi, for taking care of everything while I was away."

The older woman waved her off, a warm smile on her face. "Don't mention it. Let's go and check out your bedroom. I've already made sure everything's in order." She then picked up Orm's luggage and handbag. Together, they ascended the stairs, heading towards her bedroom.

Orm pushed open the door to her bedroom, her heart skipping a beat as a wave of pink welcomed her. The air was thick with the intoxicating scent of roses, a sweet, heady perfume that mingled with the faint aroma of vanilla and something else, something that smelled like love itself. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Her bed, usually a haven of white linens, is now a sea of crimson, a massive bouquet of pink roses overflowing from its center.

She blinked, trying to process the sight, and her gaze swept to the corners of the room. There, suspended in mid-air, were dozens of tiny pink roses, their petals catching the light and casting a soft glow on the walls. Her room, once a sanctuary of calming light gray and white, had become a vibrant explosion of pink. Balloons, a kaleidoscope of pink hues, danced in the air. But it was the letters, crafted entirely from pink roses, that caught her attention.

Orm's gaze shifted to her cousin, who stood awkwardly by the doorway, a silent observer to the scene. She met Orm's eyes for a fleeting moment before quickly averting her gaze, pretending to be fascinated by the ceiling.

"Phi? Are you just going to stand there?" Orm's voice dripped with sarcasm, "How sweet of you to turn my room into a pink paradise."

Ying, her cousin, fidgeted, scratching at her hair. "Ahh... Nong Orm, I didn't do that" she stammered.

Orm's brows furrowed, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Who did this then?" She questioned, her gaze demanding an answer.

Ying, flustered, gestured with her mouth towards the bouquet of roses on the bed. "Ahh... ehh... Nong Orm, you better just read the letter in the flower." she mumbled.

With a curious frown, Orm walked towards her bed, drawn to the massive bouquet of pink roses that sat neatly in the center. She reached for the rectangular card tucked within the blooms and carefully pulled it out.


I know it's been a while, and things haven't been the same between us. But I wanted to say, welcome back to Bangkok.

I've been counting down the days until your return, and now that you're finally here, I feel like I can finally breathe again.


Orm's body buzzed with euphoric. Her frown melted into a cheeky grin, her cheeks flushing crimson as a silent giggle escaped her lips.

She bit her lip, struggling to contain her overwhelming excitement. But then she realized she wasn't alone. A cough escaped her lips as she awkwardly composed herself, forcing her grin into a neutral expression.  She glanced back at her cousin, who clearly hadn't missed her earlier giddiness just like a lovestruck high school girl who had just been caught staring at her crush.

Orm's eyebrows danced with suspicion as she locked eyes with her cousin. A smirk played on Ying's lips, confirming her suspicions. "I guess you helped her prepare this." Orm stated.

Ying held up a hand into a peace sign. "Sorry, Nong Orm," she said. "Lingling is just really persistent. I couldn't resist her charm. Actually, she was the one who fixed up your room."

A wave of giddy excitement washed over Orm, threatening to spill over into a burst of laughter. She fought back the urge, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and delight. She truly appreciated Lingling's effort to make this surprise happen. But a new problem arose. How could she possibly sleep in her room now? Every corner was crammed with floating roses and balloons, leaving barely an inch of space for her to lay her head.

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