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Orm parked her car on the side of the street to compose herself. Tears streamed down her face, and she could sense the numbness in her lips from the CEO's aggressiveness. Once she regained her composure, she reached out to a friend by phone. "Beck, can i stay at your condo tonight?"

Becky could clearly hear her friend's sniffles over the phone, indicating that she was crying. "I'll wait for you here then" She chose not to ask further, opting to patiently wait for her friend's arrival instead.

The blonde girl entered her friend's condominium, and upon seeing her friend, Becky walked towards her and tenderly took her by the arms as they made their way to the couch. "Orm, what happened?"

Hearing the name "Lingling," Becky embraced her friend, causing Orm to start crying once more. The shorter girl simply allowed her friend to cry in her embrace, choosing to comfort her by gently patting her back until she was ready to open up. "Beck, Lingling rejected me again"

"Shhh it's okay." After Orm felt better, they talked about what happened.

"What will you do now?"

"I'm not sure. I sort of slapped her. Now I feel bad about it."

"Don't feel guilty about it. She kind of deserved that."

"Should I apologize? Should I go back there?"

Becky sighed, "Orm, it's not that I'm against it, but she has already turned you down many times. How long are you going to continue pursuing her and being desperate for her love?"

"I don't know, Beck. But I love her" Orm said, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.

The British girl placed her hands on top of the fidgeting girl's hand. "But does she feel the same way about you? You're still young and can meet many people who deserve your love. Don't get too attached to someone who already has a man in her life."

Becky talked and talked, offering advice to her friend, while Orm remained silent, lost in her thoughts.

"How about we eat? I just finished cooking and let it warm up for a bit. It must be ready now"

Once the two girls finished their dinner, they settled in for a movie marathon that lasted until 2 am. After watching several movies, they finally decided it was time to get some sleep.

On the other hand, Lingling stayed up all night at her office. She felt guilty for her actions, but a part of her was also okay with it. If it meant that Orm would stay away from her, then so be it. Lingling just couldn't bring herself to reciprocate the girl's feelings.

But there was something within her that she couldn't quite grasp. She could easily feel certain emotions when she was with Orm, but those same feelings were absent when she was with Win.

She tossed and turned in her offcie bed, unable to sleep properly. Lingling wanted to apologize, but a part of her hesitated, unwilling to take that step.

Lost in her thoughts, she unknowingly finished the entire bottle of wine in her office, consumed by her contemplations.

After hours of deep contemplation, she found herself parked in front of Orm's house but couldn't bring herself to get out of the car. She sat there, staring at the house, unsure of what to do or say to the younger girl if she were to approach her. "It's better this way so she could move on" mumbling to herself. Her mind was in chaos. Frustrated with herself, she turned the car and drove away. It made no difference whether she went to apologize to Orm at that moment and rang the bell, as Orm was not currently at home.

Orm arrived back at her house after spending the night at her friend's place. It was Sunday, and all Orm could manage to do was lazily lay on her bed. Despite her sleepy eyes, she found it hard to drift off to sleep.

Her fingers must have been numb from repeatedly opening the message and call buttons on her phone, unable to bring herself to reach out.

"F*ck it, Lingling, whatever," she muttered irritably as she got up from her bed, finally deciding to follow her heart. After taking a bath, fixing herself up, and dressing nicely, she headed to Lingling's office. Upon entering the building, she made her way straight to the office door and knocked. "Come in," Lingling's voice echoed, causing her heart to race. Slowly, she opened the door and walked in quietly. As Lingling turned to see who had entered, her eyes widened slightly in surprise. She couldn't believe Orm was in the office again after what had transpired. Didn't she learn from the last encounter? What did this girl want now after being rejected? Was she that desperate?

"I see you're here again?"

Orm smiled faintly and nodded, "I just wanted to apologize for slapping you. It wasn't intentional." Lingling furrowed her brow slightly, puzzled by Orm's initiative to apologize first when she believed she should be the one to do so. "I'm sorry too for, um, for hurting you. I was just frustrated," she admitted.

A tense silence enveloped the room as both Orm and Lingling exchanged uneasy glances. Lingling cleared her throat several times before speaking up, "Nong Orm, I know you are aware that I can't return your feelings, but I can be a part of your experience while you wait for someone who truly deserves you."

Once again faced with rejection, Orm could feel her heart shattered, "What do you mean by that?"

With a smirk, she said, "Be my distraction. Be there for me when I'm feeling stressed. We can make a relationship"

The younger girl could only frown in confusion, unable to grasp the implications behind the older woman's words. "I don't unders-"

"Sexual Relationship"

Orm's eyes widened, her mouth agape. She swallowed hard, "But I'm unsure of how to do that, and I have never experienced it before."

"Exactly. That's why I mentioned it to you. I can be your guide through the experience. It's up to you whether you accept it or not. That's all I can offer you if you want to be near me," Lingling said with a smirk as she began to walk in a circle around Orm.

"You like me that much, don't you? Then go ahead and take it," she added, whispering into the younger girl's ear before sensually biting it, causing a shudder to run through the girl's body.

Orm nervously played with her fingers and asked, "Does that mean the same thing as being in a relationship?"

"In a way, yes. However, you can't dictate my actions or set limitations on me. You can't restrict me from doing anything you disapprove of. Our relationship will solely revolve around physical intimacy, and in doing so, you are giving yourself to me."

She stopped pacing in circles and sat on top of her desk, drawing the younger girl closer to her. "And remember, no one else will be aware of this, not even your friends," she said as Orm gazed at her smirking expression, their eyes locked as Lingling focused on the younger girl's lips.

"If I begin now and you do not intervene to stop me, it signifies your consent." The CEO's last words were delivered with the poise of a seasoned professional in her industry, just before she leaned in to gently kiss the younger girl.

It took a moment before Orm embraced Lingling by wrapping her arms around her neck and returned the kiss, eliciting a smile of triumph from the older woman.

Oooppss she gave in. 😏

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