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Orm sat on the couch in her dimly lit room, her mind in turmoil, unable to find solace in sleep. Her gaze drifted towards the figure. the persistent presence that refused to leave, had chased her around the house, seeking forgiveness that she was not yet ready to give. Orm avoided leaving the bathroom earlier, avoiding any confrontation with Lingling, who had eventually tired herself out and fallen asleep on Orm's bed.

As Orm's eyes wandered, they settled on a desk where a plane ticket lay, a symbol of a decision that had been weighing on her mind. Prior to the recent turmoil, she had discussed with her mother the possibility of assisting with their business in London. Initially hesitant due to her college commitments, the current circumstances had shifted her perspective. The weight of responsibility and the need for a fresh start tugged at her heart. Orm knew that staying in her current environment would only lead to further distress. She craved healing, a respite from the chaos that surrounded her.

Her gaze then drifted to the luggage that sat packed in the corner of the room, a tangible reminder of the decision she had made two days prior. The allure of escaping to a place where she was unknown, where she could find peace and solitude, beckoned to her.

In the dim light of dawn, a sense of melancholy hung in the air as she stood by the couch, gazing at the peaceful slumber of the older woman before her. Lost in her own thoughts, she reached out tentatively, her fingers tracing the contours of the woman's hair and face with a gentle touch, careful not to disturb her rest.

Memories flooded her mind, of a love that once burned passionately between them, despite the pain and heartache it had brought. Despite it all, she couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of the woman before her, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.

As the first light of day began to filter through the window, she felt a tear slip from her eye, a silent testament to the emotions swirling within her. Leaning down, she pressed a soft kiss on the older one's forehead, a gesture of farewell and a promise of unspoken love.

With a heavy heart, she turned away, her belongings in hand, knowing that she could no longer linger in this moment.

In a final act of goodbye, she left, knowing that when the woman awoke, her life would be forever changed. And with each step away, she carried with her the weight of memories and the hope of a new beginning.

Orm sat in the driver seat of the car, her eyes glistening with tears that refused to stop flowing. Each drop a silent testament to the turmoil raging within her. Her nose was red from incessant sniffing, a physical manifestation of the emotional storm she was weathering.

As the car glided towards the airport, Orm's heart felt heavy with the weight of her decision. Leaving was not easy, but it was necessary. She longed for healing, for a respite from the relentless ache in her soul. She was tired of being consumed by her own emotions, tired of feeling weak and helpless.

In the midst of her pain, a realization dawned on Orm like a beacon of light in the darkness. Love, though powerful, was not enough. It could not fill the void within her, nor could it spur her growth. With a steely resolve, she made a choice - a choice to step out of her comfort zone, to confront her fears, and to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Lingling's words echoed in her mind, reminding her that youth was a canvas waiting to be painted with new experiences and opportunities. But Orm's decision to leave was not driven by a desire for novelty or distraction. It was a quest for self-understanding, a quest to unravel the depths of her own being.

And so, as the car neared the airport, Orm made a silent vow to choose herself, to stand tall in her own strength, and to embrace the unknown with courage. She knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to walk it alone, armed with the knowledge that true growth begins when one dares to journey into the uncharted territories of the self.

Lingling slowly stirred from her slumber, reaching out to the empty space beside her, a chill replacing the warmth she expected. Panic crept into her as she scanned the room, calling out for Orm, her voice echoing in the silence. The neatness of the room only deepened her confusion, and tears welled up in her eyes as she frantically searched for any sign of Orm.

"Orm?" Lingling's voice quivered as she checked the bathroom, finding it empty. The open cabinet offered no solace, no trace of Orm's clothes to be found. With a heavy heart, she ran downstairs, the sound of her cries mingling with Orm's name reverberating through the house, a desperate plea for her return.

Her frantic steps came to a sudden halt as she beheld Ying seated calmly on the couch, sipping coffee as if untouched by the chaos around her. Lingling's question hung in the air, demanding an answer that Ying delivered with a casual nonchalance. "Orm had already left." Ying replied, her tone indifferent as she rose to fetch a glass of water. The news struck Lingling like a blow, her eyes pleading with Ying for more information, a glimmer of hope in her desperation.

Lingling followed her to the kitchen, her desperation palpable. "Please tell me where she goes." Lingling's plea was raw, her eyes brimming with tears.

Ying shrugged, her expression unreadable. "I don't know where. All I know is she left."

Lingling shakes her head, she doesn't believe anything. All she wants is orm. her heart sinking with each passing moment. "Please, Ying. Just tell me." Lingling's eyes bore into Ying's, a mix of fear and despair clouding her gaze.

Ying sighed deeply, torn between her own emotions and Lingling's distress. "I seriously don't know, Ling. I know she had a plan to leave, but I don't know where." she confessed. Ying knew Orm would leave. She was the first to know Orm planned to go, but Orm didn't say where she was going.

Her grip on Ying's arm loosened as she turned around, lost in a sea of helplessness and tears. Lingling is at a loss, unable to find a way forward as tears continue to flow unchecked. If she had known Orm was leaving, she would have stayed awake. She really had no clue that Orm was going to leave so soon.

The older woman collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Ying stared at her best friend with a mix of pity, despite having hurt her cousin. She felt the urge to console her but held back, grappling with her own sense of disappointment.

Lingling was unaware of the discussion between Win and Orm about Orm leaving. All she saw was Win revealing his own plans to Orm, keeping her in the dark about the upcoming split. 

Lingling's world seemed to crumble the day Orm vanished without a word, leaving behind a void that echoed with unanswered questions. The impact of Orm's sudden departure rippled through Lingling's life like a relentless storm, leaving destruction in its wake.

Unable to cope with the uncertainty and the pain of Orm's absence, Lingling sought solace in the bottom of a bottle, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. Days blurred into nights as she spiraled into a haze of intoxication, stumbling into her office in a drunken stupor, tears staining her cheeks.

Her once sharp focus dulled, her responsibilities neglected. Concern and worry surrounded her like a suffocating blanket, enveloping her in a web of despair. Her family, friends, and colleagues watched helplessly as Lingling's vibrant spirit dimmed, consumed by grief and pain.

The echoes of Orm reverberated through Lingling's every action, a constant reminder of the gaping hole left in her heart. Each day became a battle against the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume her, a relentless struggle to find peace in the midst of chaos.

As Lingling's world teetered on the brink of collapse, those who cared for her stood by, ready to offer support and comfort in the hope of guiding her back from the edge of despair. But the road ahead seemed long and uncertain, shrouded in the shadows of unanswered questions and unspoken truths. And in the midst of it all, Lingling stood, a fragile soul adrift in a sea of turmoil, searching for a beacon of light to lead her out of the darkness.

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