116: Pinky Promise

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You now stood outside the doors.

You had your wedding gown on, you looked perfect. Your hair was done perfectly. Your makeup was done perfectly.

Everything was perfect.

For once... You didn't feel any stress, no nervousness when thinking about the future. Only excitement, only happiness.

Is this true happiness?

True love?

You held a bouquet of flowers in your hand, some of the flowers being blue and white chrysanthemums. They were beautiful and... Satoru insisted on them.

((if you're going to look at a meaning, look at the meaning of the white chrysanthemum, and i mean something like these...))

Now, two tall doors stood in front of you

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Now, two tall doors stood in front of you. You could hear the chatter of your guests inside, a mix of voices being heard. Behind these doors were your friends, your family, everyone you wished to share this special day with. Even those who you thought wouldn't be there, for the longest time. Your mother, she was there too.

And... You tried to reach out, to try and invite another special guest.

They gladly accepted.

You felt... true happiness, at this moment. At this very moment, this may be one of the few times a sorcerer may feel true happiness, without a care in the world.

Beside you, stood your father.

He smiled, "Ready when you are, I'm looking pretty good if I do say so myself... Hopefully they don't think I'm getting married."

You'd roll your eyes, chuckling. "I'm ready."

A nod, and the doors were pushed open. Almost as if on queue, everyone offered you their silence, in less than 5 seconds. The processional music now began to play, and now, all eyes were on you. Yours, instead of darting around, instead of taking in the beautiful decorations you spent hours deciding on, instead of looking down at the petals scattered on the aisle by the flower girl, instead of meeting the eyes of your guests... They met his. His beautiful blue eyes. And they stared back at you. And you could see a spark begin to ignite in them. Even from this distance, even with all the distractions. Was this how everybody felt?

Your refuge, your comfort, stared right back at you. With surprise, for sure. He was wide-eyed, as if in disbelief. And then... with a happiness you had never quite seen before. You couldn't place your finger on exactly what he felt, but you knew what it was. You felt it yourself.

Your mind now finally began to give some orders to your body.


One step forward, then two, then three.

Your eyes now slowly took in his appearance.

Does he ever not look perfect?

Your smile grew, which you didn't even realize was there in the first place, too lost in thought.

And, so did his, as he took in your appearance.

Does she ever not look perfect? Don't cry! Don't cry, Satoru!

He took a deep breath, a few tears slipping out his eyes. He looked down, sniffing before looking back up, chuckling. You and your father now close.

Soon, you stood in front of him. Slowly, with a deep breath, your father gave your hand to Satoru. He gave him a nod, and a smile, before now walking off to the side.

It was now you two, and you held his hands, and he held yours.

He smiled widely, his eyes staring at you. He whispered, "You look gorgeous, baby..."

When does she not?

You smiled back at him, whispering. "Thank you, handsome..."

When is he not?

The officiant now spoke, introducing everyone to the ceremony, he continued to speak... and now, he arrived at the vows.

You two decided to do customized vows, and it would be your first time hearing his vows, and his first time hearing your vows.

"Y/N..." Satoru took a deep breath. "Ever since we were children... you've been my constant companion, my best friend, my everything. From those playful days we'd have at the park near my house... to the late-night talks we'd have while we were in Jujutsu High, you've always been by my side. I reminded you of this when I proposed, but I'll say it again to make it clear to everyone here... When we were children, we promised to stay together, forever. And now, I intend to keep my promise. I'm a man of my word." He smiled widely, before continuing. "Y/N, I vow to cherish the memories we've made and vow to create countless more. I vow to support you in every endeavor, celebrate with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I promise, Y/N, to love you unconditionally, and eternally, even beyond this life."

He chuckled, a light blush dusted across his face.

"I pinky promise."

You blushed, memories flooding back in. Who knew such a simple promise you made with him while you two were children... Would you be brought up when you two were getting married?

Don't tear up!

Now, some tears slipped out of your eyes, which Satoru happily wiped away with his thumb. Soon after, you said your vows, and after you did... those long awaited words finally came.

"...I now pronounce you husband and wife." The officiant smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Satoru took a step closer towards you, before enveloping you in his arms, leaning down to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, which he could feel, and reciprocated by smiling himself. You heard the cheers of your friends and family, before pulling back, giggling.

In that moment, you saw such a spark in Satoru's eyes that... you had never seen before. It was pure joy. You knew that at this moment, all the burdens which were placed on him had melted away. His one and only focus was on you, on this moment.

He chuckled, a proud smile on his face, before quickly swooping you off your feet and carrying you in his arms, bridal style.

He looked at your taken aback expression, soon followed by a laugh, then at the surprised crowd.

He smiled widely.

"Feel free to call us Mr. and MRS. GOJO EVERYONE!"

((i tried to keep this pretty general, everyone has different wedding standards and dreams, so I kept it general (except of the flowers, i couldn't help it!!))!! I used officiant instead of priest or other religious titles since people are different :)

i had to use the traditional western wedding type of ceremony because most people can imagine it (speaking from the pov of someone who's traditional wedding is not like this!!), and since I've did a lil research and found that many couples in Japan now do Western style weddings. Couples also choose a Shinto shrine ceremony, but again, I don't want to write something which is misinforming!!

Anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter!!! I havent written in a bit so im sorry if its not the same feel 😔I will now be taking a short break, and will be returning mid-august for the teacher arc! Goodbye, my lovely readers, I appreciate all the support I've gotten from you all ever since I started writing this story. My writing will improve, trust, since I actually have a plot planned again.

Believe it or not... Most of my cool plot ideas when I thought about writing this story all were set in this arc, up till Shinjuku, so.. You're all in for a treat MUEHEHEHEH!!))

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