Later that evening, the Uzumaki household was filled with the warm aroma of Hinata's cooking as dinner preparations were in full swing. Boruto and Sarada were helping Hinata set the table and bring dishes to the dining area when Naruto walked in, sniffing the air with exaggerated delight.
Naruto: "Mmm, smells like magic happening in the kitchen!"
He came to stand beside Hinata and, without warning, leaned down to kiss her cheek.
Hinata:- Naruto!... (She slightly turned red)
Naruto:- What?... (He asked grinning)
Sarada giggled at the scene, finding her in-laws’ lovey-dovey moment endearing, while Boruto groaned and rolled his eyes.
Boruto: "C'mon, Dad, you're old enough! When are you gonna stop flirting with my mom?"
Naruto straightened up, feigning offense.
Naruto: "Hey! She’s my wife before your mom, and flirting with her is my birthright!"
Hinata rolled her eyes at his antics but smiled.
Hinata: "Seriously? ‘Birthright’? Don’t make me remind you about your first love."
As everyone took their seats, Naruto’s confident demeanor faltered.
Naruto: "Seriously, Hina? You’re bringing that up now? I mean, c’mon, I was an idiot back then! Besides, you know how much I love you, right?"
Boruto: "Wait, so Mom, you’re not Dad’s first love?"
Hinata: "Nope!"
Naruto: "Yes! See, there’s a huge difference between a crush and love. She was just my crush. You’re my love—first, last, and forever till eternity."
Hinata blushed faintly, waving her hand dismissively.
Hinata: "You’re too much."
Boruto smirked, leaning forward with intrigue.
Boruto: "So, Dad, who was it? Who was your first crush?"
Naruto suddenly looked like a cornered animal, stumbling over his words.
Naruto: "U-Uh… Well, umm… It was…"
Hinata: "It was Sakura-san," she said nonchalantly, causing both Boruto’s and Sarada’s jaws to drop.
Sarada: "My mom?!"
Boruto: "It was Mom?!"The two shouted in unison, making Naruto scratch the back of his head awkwardly.
Naruto: "Hey, I was just a kid back then! I didn’t know any better."
Sarada blinked, her mind racing with the revelation.
Sarada: "Wahh, I never knew that."
Boruto: "How come you guys never told me about this?" he asked, staring at his parents in disbelief.
As they continued eating, Hinata smiled mischievously.
Hinata: "Now that we’re talking about our childhoods, can you guess who his first kiss was?"
Naruto froze, almost choking on his food.
Naruto: "Hinata, not that! Please!"
Sarada narrowed her eyes, suspicious.
Sarada: "Wait… Don’t tell me it was my mom?"
Hinata: "Nope!"
Boruto: "Then it must have been you, Mom?"
Hinata: "Wrong again!"
Naruto buried his face in his hands, groaning.
Naruto: "Hinata, please!"
With a casual shrug, Hinata dropped the bombshell.
Hinata: "It was Sasuke-kun."
The table fell silent for a moment before Sarada’s and Boruto’s voices erupted.
Sarada: "My dad?!"
Boruto: "Wha—WTF?!"Naruto peeked out from behind his hands, sheepish.
Naruto: "It was an accident! Back in the Academy, someone pushed me from behind, and since Sasuke was sitting in front of me, we kinda… uh… accidentally… kissed. That’s all it was! An accident!"
Hinata chuckled softly.
Hinata: "Still, it was kind of funny."
Boruto leaned back, his eyes wide as he suddenly remembered something.
Boruto: "Now that you mention it, I kinda remember something similar…"
Naruto raised an eyebrow.
Naruto: "What? What do you mean?"
Sarada snorted, already catching on.
Sarada: "Oh yeah! I remember! Back in the Academy, someone accidentally pushed Boruto from behind—"
Naruto interrupted, leaning forward.
Naruto: "Wait, so did you two also….?"
Boruto sighed dramatically, leaning his cheek on his hand.
Boruto: "I wish! But no, this girl—" He pointed at Sarada. "—she pulled her leg up, and I ended up kissing her shoe instead."
Sarada burst into laughter, clutching her stomach.
Sarada: "You should’ve seen your face! It was priceless!"
Boruto pouted, crossing his arms.
Boruto: "Not funny, Sara."
Sarada: "Oh, it was hilarious!"
The family laughed, the warm atmosphere of teasing and stories filling the room as dinner carried on.

FanfictionBoruto Uzumaki (23y/o) Sarada Uzumaki (22y/o) (current & the strongest hokage) Himawari Uzumaki (21y/o) Boruto & Sarada got married just a few months ago & They live in the Uzumaki House This story revolves around Boruto & Sarada, about their l...