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Gabe looked at the tall brunette running toward his best friend. It was that girl that he saw with Dean walking into school. Probably Dean's new conquest, But Gabe had to admit she was HOT. He looked toward his family all of whom had left other than Cassie. Dean turned to the Brunette, "Sammy, what's up?" Gabe looked at her. Wow. She was a goddess. Her hair was past her waist. She had awesome legs and eyes like chocolate. He hated to admit it but he was very jealous of Dean.

"Dean, I can't find my AP Precalc class. Oh. Uh. Who's this?" She asked.

"Right. Sammy this is Gabe, and his sister Cassie. Gabe, Cassie, this is my biological sister Samantha"

SISTER. Shit. This was worse than Gabe had thought. He couldn't go round liking his best friend's little sister. Especially the one who isn't adopted. He looked at Dean, then at Sam. The way Dean talked about her Gabe always assumed Sam was a boy. Dean was a couple inches taller than Sam, so Gabe was only about an inch taller than Sam.

"Sure Sammy, We can all go I gotta find my classes too. Sam and Cas are in the same grade I think." Dean said.

Cassie looked up at Dean when he said her name, "Cas?" she said.

Dean kind of paled, which was odd for him especially with women. "Uh, sorry?" He stammered. Gabe gave him a sideways look. Dean saw it and avoided it.

Cassie smiled, "No, I like it. So Sam can I see you class schedule? I don't really know anyone else at this school other than my brothers and sisters. And only Samandriel is a freshman."

"Wait," Gabe said without thinking, "Sam. You're a freshman? I thought you said you were taking AP Calc?"

Sam blushed a little, "Um AP Pre-calc but yeah."

Hot and Smart, Gabe was in heaven, and then it hit him.

"Funny." He said digging around his mess of a backpack.

"What's funny?" Sam asked curiously, falling into step next to him.

In the mess of candy wrappers and old school assignments Gabe managed to find his schedule.

"AP Pre-calc? 1st hour with Applesworth?" Gabe asked.

"Ummm," Sam pulled out her schedule, "Yeah actually!"

Gabe was too happy at this moment, probably more happy than he should be.

"Novak, pass me your schedule, see if we have any classes together. " Dean said. Sam and Cassie also exchanged schedules. Gabe and Dean had 3rd hour Creative writing, lunch and 6th hour Study hall together. Cassie and Sam had 3rd hour Freshman Seminar and 4th hour Civil and Criminal Law together. The four of them had the same Lunch. Gabe was still very excited for first hour with Sam, when he heard Dean ask for Cassie's schedule.

"So, uh, Cas. Can I see your schedule? " Dean asked awkwardly and politely.

"Of course, although since you are a senior and I am a freshman it is very unlikely we have any classes together." Dean smiled when she handed it over. Dean's eyes speed across the page, until they stopped. "5th hour gym Cas, See you there."

To Gabe's total shock, Cassie grinned full on. Dean also smiled at her, all teeth.

"Alllllrriiiggghhhttttyyyyy then, you two love birds get a room. I think we are almost to Applesworth's room. Ah yes, here it is."

Cassie blushed at her older brother's words and took a step away from Dean. Sam ran into the room and took a seat in the second row. Gabe bid his little sister a farewell and told Dean that he'd see him later. Gabe plopped down next to Sam and yanked out a notebook and pen.

"So Sam, tell me honestly, how did you manage to take this class? I mean no offense or anything but you are a freshman, I'm a senior and I just barley passed Algebra two."

Sam tucked her long hair behind one ear and gave him puppy dog eyes and said, "Gabe, maybe I'm just smarter than you." Then she winked at him. WINKED. Was it flirty? Was it jokingly? Did she think he was cute? What about Dean? Would he be cool with it?

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