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Ellen looked at the clock, 2:15; Bobby should be home any minute. Baby Kevin was in need of attention, and Baby Becky was crying in the on the floor surrounded by toys. Ellen grabbed Kevin and Becky and sat back down on the bar chair at the breakfast island. Spread out on the island was the floor schematic for the DeMoir ballroom, where a very lavish art auction would be held in a nearby city. Written on the map in red felt pen were locations of cameras, heat sensors, and motion detectors and their ranges. Also they showed where each relic or painting would be placed and what kind of security each would have. To the left of the map there was a list of names. Those names were of wealthy billionaires and their equally beautiful trophy wives.

She was planning on surprising the kids with a heist when they got home to celebrate their first day of school. Harry and Ed didn't start their elementary school for another week, but Ellen had promised them they could tag along in the van with Charlie as long as they were careful. Ellen was going to allow Charlie and Jo to plan the heist, and Sam and Dean to run the heist while they were at the gallery. She didn't think Garth was up to the challenge just yet. Ellen began humming Hotel California by the Eagles. Every kid Ellen had ever raised had been lulled to sleep by Hotel California.

"ELLEN! MOM!" Ellen heard Ed shout her name, "MOM! HARRY HURT ME ON PURPOSE!" Ellen sighed and walked the babies over to the cribs. Kevin was sleeping but Becky was still awake although not crying. Then, Ellen ran to the basement to see the damage. Ed was sitting down, crying on the floor, his hand latched onto his left forearm, while Harry was sitting next to him trying to help. Ellen could see blood welling up between his fingers.

"Ed, honey, what's the first rule about injuries?" Ellen asked in her mom voice as she crouched down next to him.

Ed said wiping his eyes, "When a thief is injured the first thing he must do is staunch the bleeding. Ellen, what does staunch mean?"

"Staunch means to stop. So go grab the First Aid kit and I'll show you how to wrap a grazed arm." Harry got up to grab the First Aid kit, but Ellen grabbed his hand. "Ed can grab it himself, Harry". As Harry sat back down Ed began to cry again.

"Ed, sweetie, what's the second rule of injuries?" Ellen asked patiently.

"Umm, I don't remember. I'm sorry." He said through his tears.

"The second rule is to never cry, because then someone might hear you and thieve have to be sneaky at all times." Ellen told him. Ed tried to make a brave face but the tear's kept flowing. Ellen gave him a reprieve for the day, considering this is his first real injury.

Ed got up and walked over to the wall of the practice room where the big First Aid kit was. He took his blood-covered hand off of his wound and reached for the First Aid kit, which was almost out of his reach. He lugged it over to her and plopped down with his arm facing her. She examined the wound; it was a small shallow cut that seemed to hit all the blood vessels. She popped open the kit and pulled out a bandage which she showed the two boys how to wrap around a wound.

"Then when it stops bleeding you will take off the bandage and clean the wound. I'll have Dean show you when he gets home." Ellen stood up, "Now, what happened down here?"

Both boys started talking at once. Ellen crossed her arms and waited for them to finish. Their yelling slowly died down as they realized that she was waiting for them to stop.

"Now one at a time." Ellen said tolerantly, "Ed you first. Then Harry."

Ed stuck his tongue out at Harry, "We were practicing with the little knives..."

"The stiletto blades, go on." Ellen corrected finding her everlasting patience was dwindling.

"With the st-stiletto blades," Ed corrected himself, "and then Harry cut me on purpose!"

"Did not! You just weren't paying attention!" Harry defended himself.

"I hate you!" Ed cried.

"Not more than I hate you!" Harry yelled defiantly.

"Alright boys this is what we are going to do. You two are on house arrest until you guys make peace with each other, okay? That means no heist on Friday, and no hanging out with friends." Ellen mediated. The boys continued to whine until they heard the door squeak open.

"Bobby's home!" Harry squeaked.

"Gosh! He's gonna be so proud that I got my first wound!" Ed piped.

Ellen rolled her eyes good-naturedly and followed them upstairs. Bobby was taking off his jacket when the boys jumped on him, squealing and giggling when Bobby lifted them both in the air.

"How're my boys doin?" Bobby asked in his noteworthy southern drawl that Ellen, even after being married to him for 15 years, hadn't figured out if it was his actual accent. She'd seen him switch accents so fluidly over the years that she could never tell. She walked up to her husband and kissed him.

"Hiya darlin' how were the rascals for ya this week?" Bobby cooed at Ellen.

Ellen sighed, "Well the older kids started school today, and I'm worried for Garth and Sam. It is their first day of high school. Dean seemed a little bit too excited for school today, but I'm pretty sure it was because he hasn't seen Gabe all summer. Bela dressed like a tramp and thought I wouldn't notice because she put a huge sweatshirt on over the top of it. Charlie had a viola lesson today which she texted me went very well and when she auditioned during orchestra she got first chair in her section. Charlie has just informed me that she has saved enough money to go to Comic-Con this year, but I told her she'd have to talk to you about it. Becky has started teething, but Kevin hasn't cried all day. Which, in this household, is a blessing".

Bobby put down his sons and wrapped Ellen into a huge bear hug; "I'm sorry I was gone for so long darling and that I left you with the kids. I won't have another job for a month and when I do get one, you can go do it. I'll stay here will the kids."

Ellen smiled at him, "I'd like that."

"Dad! Bobby! Guess what?! I got cut today! My first wound!" Ed squawked.

"And I cut him!" Harry piped in. 

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