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Dean walked down the alley. He could feel them watching him. They call themselves the Blood. Dean calls them the Crud. He had a history with this specific gang. Their Leader, Gordon, tried to hit on Sam and Jo about two years back, so naturally Dean just hit him back. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks after ward. The Blood told him if he ever came around again he would be killed. And a fight was exactly was Dean was looking for.

"Yo Winchester. You got some nerve coming back here." Dean could see the silhouette of three pathetic gang members tying to look cool.

Dean smiled to himself; this was going to be fun.

"You deaf Winchester?? Get the fuck outta here! Or we are gonna mess you up real bad. Your hot little sisters aint gonna recognize you after tonight."

Dean grinned, the bastards. He had a lot of pent up emotions that were about to be released.

A punk from the left ran up to him from the right, with a switchblade. Dean himself was unarmed but was wearing gloves. The little gangster wannabe haphazardly slashed with his knife. Dean grabbed his wrist in one hand and caught the blade in the other. Dean wrenched away the knife and threw it over his shoulder. He twisted the kid's wrist until he was on the ground writhing in pain.

Dean kept walking toward the three figures standing under the street light like this was some kind of action movie. Idiots. That's a tactically bad move. Literally trying for no camouflage at all.

Dean sighed as two more halfassed gangster bastards charged him. Stupid Ass 1 on the left had a shiny gold knuckle duster and Stupid Ass 2 on the right came at him with just his fists. Dumb Asses.

After mowing down 12 of these shitty pawns without breaking a sweat, Dean turned to Gordon who was flanked by his two bodyguards. Each body guard was about 6'4" and 300 pounds of muscle. They took an in sync step toward him. Dean punched one straight in the nose. The other bodyguard punched wildly at him and Dean caught his wrist and twisted it at an impossible angle.

Gordon surprisingly stood his ground, even with one knocked out on the ground and the other writhing in pain on the asphalt.

"Winchester." Gordon greeted him, "Now what has your panties in a twist?"

"The fact you ain't in a hearse yet, that'll definitely be on the damned list." Dean spat his voice dripping in venom.

"Walk away Dean. I'm not going to fight you, and there is no reason for you to attack me and my homeboys. You came here unprovoked by us. Maybe you should go home and deal with your shit there instead of taking it out on us, just an idea." Gordon threw back at him.

Dean stood there, dumbfounded, and turned around and walked away. And all at once felt his heart begin to ache for the woman he just met, and loved with his heart and soul. A single tear rolled down his face just as it began to rain. 

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