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The day whisked by. Bela couldn't believe it was going as fast as it was considering she couldn't wait for the day to be over so she could go out and get a dress for tomorrow. Bela was also curious to meet this Castiel that Sam had told her about. When Bela and Sam were out buying lingerie Sam told Bela all about Castiel. Apparently she was Dean's exact opposite and is completely enthralled in him after only a day knowing each other. Bela wasn't too worried, but Sam was freaking out, especially because apparently Castiel was Gabe's little sister. Bela thought that was specifically the most hilarious part. Dean's love life was a joke, and the girl that he finally decides to date date is his best friends little sister. But Bela was genuinely curious about this girl, because if a girl holds Dean's attention she has to be something special. The bell rang signaling the end of the school day and Bela rushed to her locker and took out her jacket and purse and ran to the door and waited for Dean and this girl. Bela was wearing her gold skinny jeans and a white blouse with gold sandals so she knows she was visible. Her huge Coach purse was heavier than she was used to, Dean had insisted she start getting used to carrying a gun with her. She was definatly more of a knife person and kept one strapped to her ankle and one in her waist band at all times. The gun she had on her person was one that Dean chose just for her; a Berretta 3032 Tomcat. It was about twice the size of her smart phone.

"Um, Bela?" A tallish black haired girl who looked like a modern day Snow White tapped her shoulder. She was wearing skinny jeans and a white tank top that showed off probably D cup cleavage. She also had a vaguely familiar sweatshirt on, it was Dean's, and the one Bela got for him last year on his birthday.

"You must be Castiel." Bela said. "Yeah I'm Bela. Are you ready for some shopping??"

Castiel smiled and said, "Sure! I'm not really a fashionista but I do know my way around JCPenny." Bela laughed, "Well I am very much a fashionista and I was thinking we'd go to the Eveningwear shop. And if you don't mind I could help you pick out your dress."

Castiel smiled, "I could definatly use the help." Bela knew she was going to like this girl.

They made polite conversation as Bela drove them to the Eveningwear shop downtown. Bela parked about a block away and plugged the meter.

"Alright so I assume Dean told you what we are going to. It is a very formal event; I heard that there was going to be a duchess and a trillionaire there. So we are going to buy some smoking hot dresses that'll make that Duchess jealous and that trillionaire want to sleep with us. Deal?"

Castiel laughed, "Ok, deal!"

They walked in the shop and Bela bolted for the blue rack. She knew exactly what color she wanted. A nice deep sapphire would knock people out of the park.

"Hallo girls! How can I help you?" the associate said to them in a heavy German accent.

"Actually I was wondering if you had any floor length deep sapphire dresses with silver in them. In a size 4, but a bigger bust area." Bela expertly told the associate in her crisp clear British accent and turned and linked elbows with Castiel and began to walk toward another rack.

"My dear," the associate began patronizingly, "this might be a bit expensive for prom. These are evening dresses for very formal events. Not for children."

Bela slowly turned around and lifted her chin and pulled she shoulders back, "Excuse me sir? But my dear friend and I happen to be visiting dignitaries from England. She is the Duchess of Kent, and I of Cambridge. I'd advise you to watch your tongue. Now the dresses please, sir." Bela swung back around to the rack of red dresses and started going through them. Castiel was silent, Bela was worried for a second she'd nark, but she passed Bela's first test and kept her mouth shut.

"Ok, so we are duchesses now. I'm very ok with that." Castiel whispered to her in an almost flawless British accent. Bela grinned at her and yanked a red dress off the rack.

"Alright, down to business. With your long black hair a ruby red will look stunning. You have an exquisite figure that I am very jealous of. You have big boobs for your height and weight, which I'm going to guess is a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet. So we are going to give you a long flowing red dress with minimal flashy bits. We want Dean to be knocked off his feet, yeah? I'm going to say you're about 5'9" so you've got some legs on you. Here go try this on"

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