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Dean trekked to the car with his posse of family. The school day was long and tedious other than gym class. Dean liked PE because he finally had a real conversation with Cas. Dean had just come out of the locker room in basketball shorts and a muscle shirt that showed his angel wing tattoo. It was two golden angel wings folded on his bicep with a silver sword pointing to the ground with a banner wrapping the two together that read non tiembo mala. He had gone out to wait in the gym for the rest of the kids when he realized that Cas and another guy was already out there shooting hoops, and she was good. Hadn't missed a shot yet. Dean leaned on the bleachers and watched her for a while make shot after shot after shot. He found himself staring at her long pale legs and her short lime green exercise shorts, she had on a ripped down the sides t-shirt on and an electric blue sports bra. This guy was laughing and rebounding with her. Dean felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Are you going to watch or join in?" Cas said without even looking at Dean. Dean smirked at the innuendo and jogged out to the court. She passed him the ball and he dribbled in for a layup. Swish. Nothin' but net. Dean grinned as Cas did a cute little shy half smile at the ground. Her pure black hair was pulled up into a high pony so Dean could see her whole face. The kid with the crazy brown hair walked up next to them.

"Hey, I'm Brackett . Nice to meetcha." The tall wiry kid stuck out a hand for a shake.

"Dean." Dean said firmly grasping Brackett's hand. Dean turned to Cas again and nervously began his crusade for a real conversation, "So how was class today?"

She didn't answer him, but he could tell she heard him because her pastel face turned a dark crimson. She began to walk away from him, facing the ground. Dean didn't realize what was happening at first but when she was about five feet away he jogged to catch up with her. He stepped in front of her and said, "Whoa, Cas, I never meant to offend you. I just wanted to talk to you about what you said earlier." Her face, which was slowly regaining its pale color, flashed cherry again. She tried to side step him but he stepped in front of her. Dean smiled, "Well what you don't know about me is that I don't really give up. Now will you hear me out?"

She glanced up at him, and sighed in defeat. Dean beamed and said, "About what you said earlier about me being a hot god," She snorted. Dean faked offense and kept talking, "but I think you are awesome and really cute, and since we haven't really talked a lot I wanted to know if you would be interested at all in going out with me this weekend, just to hang out maybe go to dinner or a movie. Both possibly."

She was looking straight at him. Her crystal blue eyes laser beam focused on his as if she was trying to glean from them if he was lying or making fun of her.

"Castiel, I'm being very serious right now. Not a joke." Dean said sincerely, hoping to God she wouldn't reject him. She must've come to a decision in her head but instead of giving him an answer she reached out and touched his tattoo.

"What does it mean, non tiembo mala?" She said.

"It means I Will Fear No Evil." Dean said smiling at her change in direction of the conversation. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the gym, leaving behind Brackett and the rest of their 5th hour PE class. She dragged him into the entryway of the girls' locker room.

"Hell no. I'm not going in there." He adamantly whispered. She sighed in defeat and began pulling her shirt off over her head, Dean's eyes widened. What was she doing?

Taking her shirt off like that.

Gabe was going to kill him. She could see his shock and laughed quietly.

"Dean, don't worry, I'm not stripping, just showing you my tattoo which is only fair." She finished pulling her shirt off. Dean was hyperaware that there was a mostly naked girl in front of him. A girl he very much liked. A girl who was very much his best friend's little sister. A girl who just became a little bit more badass than he thought, considering she was underage for a tattoo. A girl who had a tattoo of a knife, angel wings and a heart shaped lock all mixed together. The lock had the wings and the simple deadly looking dagger was in front of it. It was ornate but simple at the same time. A very elegant tattoo located on her right shoulder blade. He touched it and she stiffened her back. He quickly drew his hand back.

"Cas, that's stunning." He said honestly. She smiled at him, rolled onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, "Friday night? Eight o'clock?"

He nodded speechless; she looked down at her toes , slipped her shirt back on and walked back into the gym. Dean stood in the doorway of the girl's locker room smiling in complete shock, his cheek tingling.

********** This is what I have done right now! I will get to work on Chptr 2 ASAP

Drop a fave or a comment if you have any requests/suggestions/feedback!! *************

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