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Castiel heard a car pull up. She peaked out of the window. Dean was here. Cas snapped the curtains shut. She was in her bra and sweats; she threw on an oversized sweatshirt and cracked open the curtains again. Gabe and Dean were talking outside Dean whipped off his black t-shirt to reveal a eight pack of abs, and dark tattoos flowing around his upper body. Cas reached for her sketch pad, which was never too far way, without taking her eyes off of him. He was beautiful. She could see scars on his body. Where had he gotten them? One of them looked like a knife wound. Was he in a gang?

Cas shook the thought out of her head, and only focused on his body. She scribbled out a rough sketch of his silhouette but mostly focused on his abs and biceps. She drew faster than she ever thought she could because she didn't want him to run off before she finished. Gabe pulled out a small white box, and pulled something out of it, which he stuck in his mouth. Cas inhaled sharply, Gabe was smoking? She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew that Gabe wasn't the perfect example of an angel, but even the humans considered smoking horrible. Castiel shook her head and walked downstairs, abandoning her drawing of Dean, which was so close to being finished. Castiel walked into the kitchen and saw Anna preparing dinner.

"Hello Anna." Castiel said.

Without looking up Anna replied, "Hello Castiel. What was that text conversation about this morning?"

Castiel blushed furiously, "I was being stupid."

Anna put down the knife she was using to cut carrots, "Castiel. Stop this. Talk to me. I'm your sister."

Cas sighed knowing if Anna wanted to know something she would find out one way or another, her seemingly calm sister had a sneaky streak, "It is Dean Winchester. He has captured my attention. And I can't think of anyone else. It is probably just a phase."

Anna raised an eyebrow, "Go for it, Castiel. If you like this boy, take him. You're not an angel here. Let yourself feel. Would you go lull the baby to sleep? We need to eat soon and I don't have time to do both." Castiel nodded obediently pondering Anna's kernels of wisdom and walked back upstairs to the nursery. Baby Gadreel was crying in his crib. Castiel picked up Gadreel and began rocking him to sleep.

"Do you want to hear a story child? The story of our people." Castiel began her story.

On the 8th day God lacked companionship. So He decided to create the Heavenly Hosts. He created the angels, and the archangels out of various earthly and heavenly constructs. He created the hosts, but created them differently from the humans. He gifted unto them wings and a Grace. An angel's grace was its ability to do miracles, smite demons, and it is what makes them angelic. They were his perfected humans. God believed the angels to be perfect until He considered that they were only Heaven's army. They only did what the Lord told them even though they had free will. God worried for his children and their ability to act on their own accord. God decided to test his angels and told them to put to death by the sword all the first-born sons in the human world. After receiving their instruction from the Lord, the angels set off to complete their unholy task, but before the first sword fell God commanded his angels to stop. The angels were taken back to heaven and God explained to them the concept of free will and how to use it. The angels were confused as to why their Father was vexed toward them. God realized that his perfect humans were anything but perfect. The Lord then spoke unto them the command that all of his angels will, once every 500 years become human and live a mortal life, to learn the concept of mortality and free will. These re-born angels would be the product of the same family and will love and support each other for the lifetime ahead. The Lord also planned for his angels to learn other human emotions such as love, lust, greed, passion, pain, grief, sadness, and happiness. These re-born angels will be given a sign on their mortal body that God still recognized them as his children. This will be the Enochian, the language of the angels, of their names written over their heart. The Lord was true to his word and sent his Heavenly Hosts to the mortal world always to a family or parents who needed them. The Lord also allowed them to keep their Graces so they could heal and help those they came across. The Lord also wiped their memories of previous mortal encounters when they were re-born. So each time felt like the first time. The Lord rested again on the 9th day, knowing all would be well.

Castiel finished her story about her family's origin and laid the sleeping angel down to rest in his crib, "Goodnight my angel Gadreel." Castiel whispered to her brother and walked out of the room. 

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