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He pulled up and parked terribly. He got out with one hand on his gun and saw Cas standing between the van and another car. He looked at Cas, "Cas! Are you ok?! What is wrong?"

"I'm what's wrong, pretty boy." A massive man stood, holding Bela's hair in his meaty fist. Cas look terrified. Dean needed to get her the hell out of there.

"You know, it is sweet that you noticed. It takes effort to look this good. Although some days I just wake up like this." Dean sassed. The man growled almost animal like. He dropped Bela on the ground and took a couple slow steps toward Dean. Dean gestured to Cas to run, but she didn't. Cas ran to Bela, to see if she was okay, instead of running away. Dean admired her bravery but he was afraid she'd get hurt.

"Cas! Get out of here!" Dean commanded.

Cas gave him a defiant look and said, "You kick this guy's ass I'll take care of Bela."

Dean raised his eyebrow and focused back on the brute in front of him. Now Dean though of himself of a tall, muscular, and intimidatingly handsome man, But this guy was 6'6" and it looked like he was pretty muscly but his face looked like he rode the short bus in Dean's opinion.

"So," Dean started to the seething giant, "were your parents brother and sister, or do you try that hard to like Boy George?"

The attacker ran at him with his arms out on both sides. Dean went down into a crouch and Boy George couldn't stop in time and tripped over him. Dean fluidly moved to the dazed mammoth of a man, drew his gun, cocked it and pointed it at his chest.

"Are we done here?" Dean asked in a deadly serious tone of voice.

Boy George tried to wriggle away but Dean drove his heel into his balls. The brute howled in pain.

Dean crouched down, inches from the thug's face, his gun pressed firmly against his chest. He whispered into the Goliath's ear, "Give me two good reasons to even let you live. You may have killed my little sister and threatened my girlfriend. I should end you, but I wont. Because I don't want Cas to witness anything that horrible." Dean stood up and moved the gun from the man's chest. He grabbed Dean's ankle. Dean slammed his heel into the thug's nose.

"Now. Stop that." Dean said, "Stay down, man."

All of a sudden a red hot pain spread in Dean's side. Dean heard Cas yelp in fear and shout his name. Dean turned and fired his gun. He kept his promise to the man and didn't kill him but he shot him in the pelvis. Dean dropped to his knees and looked to examine his wound. Blood made his black shirt stick to him. Dean reached behind him and pulled out the stiletto throwing knife from his back.

"Son of a bitch," Dean said, "This was one of my favorite shirts."

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