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Dean thought he could just leave him here with his psycho of a brother. Fuck no. He would not let Dean leave this table without him. It was such a fancy restaurant that Gabe didn't want to make a scene but if it meant that he wouldn't have to sit across from that psychopath then he would do whatever it takes.

Dean walked off and Gabe followed, ignoring the pleads of his brother to stay. Gabe had to almost sprint to keep up with Dean, who was walking way too fast.

Did he need to take a shit or something? Maybe that's why he didn't want Gabe tagging along because he needed to go to the bathroom. They were bee-lining to the restroom area, which made Gabe believe his hunch to be true.

'Why didn't he just say that then?' Gabe thought to himself.

Dean stopped so suddenly, Gabe ran into him.

"What the hell Winchester?" Gabe complained rubbing his nose, his tone and volume earned him some disapproving looks from a couple of sophisticated old ladies nearby. Gabe winked and shot them some finger guns.

He turned around to start asking his friend what the stop was about until he saw Dean chatting up some hulking dudes at a table. Gabe thought it was hilarious seeing two guys, who looked like the genetic splice between The Rock and Vin Diesel, eating at a tiny little circular table drinking from coffee cups so tiny that they could use them as crowns for their teeth.

Gabe walked over, "Howdy fellas."

Dean shot him a look Gabe had never seen before from him, anger and annoyance. Gabe actually took an involuntary step backward, that shit was scary. Dean turned back to the men and was whispering to them in harsh tones.

Gabe pulled himself together, Dean was acting strange... must be his time of the month.

Gabe stepped forward again and was about to open his mouth to say something witty when one of the giants stood up and grabbed Dean's collarbone with one massive calloused hand.

The man grunted out, "Let's take this outside pretty boy."

Dean said nothing but complied and was being led outside.

"Oi, come on man." Gabe pleaded with the other musclebound beast, "My friend there is on his cycle. Don't listen to anything he has to say. Just let him go and we will forget this ever happened alright?"

"You think you are in the clear?" the guy said also standing up also grabbing Gabe by the shoulder, "You are coming with too you little comedian."

And that... that was when Gabe practically shit his pants. 

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