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That damn child of hers. Ellen swore she was going to kill Dean next time she saw him. First he forgot until last minute to tell her about this dinner, and then even worse he told her an hour before hand that they needed to dress up. She saw the Impala pull up and stood on the front porch with a hand on her hip, she was gonna kill him. The other kids were just getting settled at the table when Ellen heard a click-clack of heels from the doorway onto the porch. She looked down to see a short young but mature looking redhead.

"I'm gonna kill them for being late." The little redhead muttered under her breath, Ellen hid a smile; this must've been the older sister who took care of the Novak kids.

Bela got out of the drivers seat and opened the back door for a beautiful ebony haired ivory skinned girl who was holding up her stupid ass kid. Then Ellen's irritation for them being late faded when she noticed Dean was leaning on her a little too much, her maternal instinct kicked in, he must've gotten in a fight.

"Castiel! Dinner was to start precisely 10 minutes ago. Where have you been?" the older sister scolded the pale girl, presumably Castiel. Castiel downcast her eyes in shame of being late but then Bela took a step forward to Anna and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Oh my, you must be Ms. Anna Novak. Gabe and Castiel have told us so much about you. But Gabe didn't say how beautiful you look. We apologize for being late. We were out dress shopping for a gala we are attending and, wouldn't you know it, my car stalls! We had to call Dean to get us straight away, then I had to go home and put on a dress and traffic was terrible! I swear there had to have been 7 accidents on the way home!" Bela was slowly leading Anna inside. Ellen wasn't sure if Bela was going to get in trouble for grifting a friend or if she should get a medal for a flawless performance. Either way she was definitely going to talk to her later.

"Dean, could I speak with you for a second" Ellen politely asked him. He unwrapped his arm from Castiel, and she gave him a worried look. Dean whispered something in her ear and she went inside.

"Yo-yo mama, how's it going?" Dean smiled and laughed at himself, his body showing relaxedness but his eyes showing pain.

"First of all young man you are in so much trouble for planning these things all last minute. And secondly what the hell happened? Bella started sweet talking Anna and you're hurt."

Dean rubbed the back of his neck worriedly"You remember the Chicago heist from about a year ago? Bela and I had to put down those two robbers who came to steal the Rembrandt from the Art Museum the exact night we did. They almost killed us. Well apparently there was a third member of that party who escaped, without our knowledge, who holds a grudge. He jumped Bela and Cas outside the dress store. Cas texted me an SOS and I got there as soon as he threw Bela on the asphalt. I shot him in the pelvis; he got me in the side with a stiletto. Must've missed all the vital organs and Cas patched me up somehow. I'm sore but ok."

Ellen's face hardened, no one threatens her babies, "Did anyone see you?"

Dean's eyes downcast, "There were security camera's at the store next door. After dinner we can get Charlie on those."

Ellen nodded, "Get inside."

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