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Dean sighed; Ellen was going to kill him. He pulled away from the hug reluctantly.

"Sit down babe, this might be a lot for you to take in." He said.

Cas laughed, more of a deep belly laugh.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "What's so funny?" He was about bare is deepest secret to her, not only his but his entire families and she was.... Laughing.

"I-I I just told you I'm an angel and you think what ever you are about to tell me is gonna be worse." She laughed some more. Dean snuck a smile; she really did have a point.

"Fine, but this still might be a little off-color for and angel." He said, "My family and I are, uh. I mean we obtain rare objects for a specific clientele. Usually not exactly legally."

Cas' eyes grew huge, "You mean, you guys are thieves?"

Dean hung his head in shame, something he has never felt before this lovely woman entered his life, "Yeah. Thieves."

"THAT'S SO COOL!!!!" Cas squealed. 

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