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After school, Gabe, Sam and Dean drove to first to the Winchester residence then Gabe's house. Dean offered to help out with dinner and Gabe told him that Anna would probably love the extra hands. Dean was 86% sure that Gabe just didn't want to help. Dean asked Sam if she wanted to come and help. She was, unsurprisingly, glad to come over and help. They arrived at their house and asked Gabe if he wanted to come in, he voted to stay in the car, probably because He has heard the horror stories about Ellen and her kids' boy/girlfriends. Then Sam asked a question that saved her, Dean, and the rest of the Winchesters a whole lot of embarrassment, " So are we supposed to dress up for dinner?" Gabe said that Anna was making him wear dinner jacket and slacks, which answered her question well. Dean groaned internally, slacks and a dress shirt weren't really his speed. He and Sam rushed inside and ran to their separate rooms. Dean pulled on his dress pants and a black button up shirt. He restyled his hair in the mirror so it was artfully tousled. He thought about shaving but left the beginnings of a beard on his face. It made him look older, and in his opinion, hell of a lot sexier. He squirted some cologne on and walked down stairs. Ellen was sitting at the island, giving baby Kevin a diaper change.

"Ellen, just so you know, I had no Idea." Dean started, "Gabe just told me that casual dinner at his house involves slacks and a suit jacket. Sam is throwing on fancy girl clothes and I just changed into this. Sorry for the last minute notice." Dean pecked his mom on the cheek and bolted out the door. He walked to the car and turned the engine back on.

"Wow Winchester you clean up nice. You look very suave. A little James-Bondish-y..." Gabe faltered at the punch line of his joke. He was starting at the house, Dean turned around too see what he was looking at. Sam had just walked out of the house, in a little black dress, carrying another one over her shoulder. The one she had on was low cut and showed off too much cleavage in Dean's opinion, it was also super short. Dean fought the urge to tell her to put pants on. But Gabe was practically drooling.

Dean punched him in the shoulder. "Dude! Sister!"

Gabe shook his head, trying to physically shake himself out of his daydream of banging Dean's sister. Sam got in the backseat and laid the other dress carefully I the seat next to her. Dean gave her a curious eyebrow. Sam shook her head and said, "For Bela. She doesn't know about the dress code." Dean shrugged and began to drive to Gabe's.

When they got to Gabe's Anna was flying around the lavish, almost presidential house trying to get things done. Dean thought it would be more aptly labeled mansion. It looked big on the outside but the inside was humongous. Dean took off his boots at the door, not wanting to track anything in. Dean walked over to Anna.

"Hey Anna, can I help you with anything? You look really stressed out." Dean asked, trying to make a good impression for not only Cas but for Gabe as well.

"Dean, that's so sweet! Actually if you could help me in the kitchen so I wouldn't have such a workout climbing on the shelves to get things I need, that would be lovely!" She sounded relieved. Dean was relieved as well she could've had him do anything, but all he has to do is hand things to her. That, he was confident, he could do.

She led him into the kitchen. Dean was in awe of the golden and marble color scheme of the whole house. It looked like heaven. Everything was either white, gold, or marble, the drapes looked like clouds and the white couches with golden trim looked like they've never been sat on, even Anna was in all white. Dean felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb, in his all black attire. Anna led him to the kitchen, where the marble countertops were in chaos. Anna started bustling about in her fancy clothes, she was dressed for dinner, he could tell. She was in a white blouse and a very short white skirt. She had an apron on, which he could tell was doing its job very well.

"Dean, would u hand me the cookbook with the red and blue stripes? It should be on the far right upper shelf." Anna asked him. He hardly heard her because he was too busy staring at her ass. He moved toward the shelves, picking through the cupboard. He found the cookbook on the topmost shelf and handed it to her. She quickly said thanks and went back to her hunk of meat she was preparing.

"So what's on the menu?" Dean asks casually walking up behind Anna.

"Prime Rib, potatoes, green beans, rolls, French silk and pecan pies." She recited still focused on her meat. Dean's mouth began to water from both the girl in front of him and the menu for the night. Mmmmm.... Pie.

Dean took a step back from Anna and took a good look at her. She was a lot shorter than him, probably by almost a foot. She had dark red hair that fell to her lower back. She had big brown eyes and a giant rack. Wow, Dean wanted to tap that.

"Dean, can you fetch Gabe for me?" Anna said still very focused on the prime rib. Dean tore his gaze away from her and ventured out of the kitchen. The huge white and gold living room had two exits. One was to the upstairs and the other one was into a hallway extension of the living room. Dean walked down the hall first and not hearing anyone he wandered upstairs. He came to a bunch of doorways, he peaked into the opened ones and finding no Gabe he approached the shut door. He knocked and receiving no answered opened it. As he opened the door his phone buzzed, a text from Cas. "SOS" He caught his breath, she was in trouble. He looked up, there he was greeted to Gabe and Sam lying on top of each other, making out. His mouth fell open.

"Uh, Anna wanted you. I got to go." Dean stammered and tripped backwards trying to escape the awkward scene, but also worried about Cas. He turned around and ran down the stairs, shoved his feet into his boots and ran to the car. He sprinted to the car and hopped into the drivers seat. He leaned over to the glove compartment and popped it open. He pulled out a .22 and shoved it in his waistband, with an extra clip in his pocket. He pulled out a sheath of throwing knives from under the drivers seat and strapped it to his ankle. He wouldn't need them, he reassured himself, If there was a problem Bela should have been able to deal with it. Right?

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