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**********HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE**************


She felt like an idiot inviting the mysterious Novak on their mission. She thought it would be fun to throw a monkey wrench into the night. She started her background check first and came up with absolutely nothing, which then piqued her curiosity. She called in a favor to a man who owed her a favor in New York who she knew could get employee files from Washington. Lucifer Novak wasn't on their record at all. Then in her final attempt to find some trace of him, she looked up his birth certificate, which she found along with a social security number. Both of which turned out to be fake. Then she found a phone number registered to a Lucifer Novak which she called and he answered. She asked him to join her and he accepted and the rest has unfolded. Her hunch about this man was getting more and more probable as the night went on. She couldn't believe she had let her curiosity get the best of her. But she had and now, if her hunch was correct, she was being escorted by one of the most dangerous men in all the world.

Bela was shaken out of her self-reprimanding by Cas speaking to her.

"Sorry dear, what was that?"

"Well I noticed there were two guys out in front of the bathroom. They looked pretty shady. I thought it might be a good idea to maybe get one of the boys to come get us and walk us back."

Sam and Bela both smiled. Then Sam spoke up, "Dean has probably already taken care of it. I told him about it when we were walking in. He didn't like the fact that two guys were threatening his baby sisters and girlfriend."

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