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She honestly hated missing all the fun. She could hear through the coms that Dean was getting to fight some baddies and Sam had an excuse to leave. However, she was in her element. She specialized in intelligence gathering and she needed to know what kind of person she'd brought with on this heist. She turned to her date, ignoring Cas completely.

"So Luci dear. Tell me about yourself. I am so curious to know what the famed Lucifer Novak does."

Luci chuckled and waved her off, "Now my dear, it isn't the time to talk shop. Let us just enjoy our dinner!"

Bela shrugged internally, she knew that it wasn't going to be that easy, but she thought she'd at least try. She analyzed him out of the corner of her eye.

He was dressed very nicely, and stood in it as if he was used to wearing fine clothes like that. He was clean shaven, with no nicks or missing spots. He was left handed, but his watch was on his left hand. Most people choose to have their watched on their non dominant hands to alleviate the awkwardness of any binding the watch would cause. This indicates one of two things, either he prefers it on his dominant hand or someone else dressed him. A slight tan line on his right wrist negated the first theory.

That would mean Luci was wealthy enough to have a butler or a servant of some sort. Bela glanced at his pants which were freshly pressed, but there was a slight dirt smudge on the back of his pant leg most likely from getting out of a dirty car. Meaning that his driver either dislikes him enough not to mention it or he rode here alone.

All of these deductions, were only confusing Bela more.

She decided to take a break and actually eat her food. By the time she decided to relax for a moment, Dean, Sam, and Gabe came back.

"Where did you guys run off to?" Lucifer asked innocently, "Gabe it wasn't very gentlemanly to leave your date waiting."

Gabe ignored Lucifer in favor of eating his fill of his food that had gone cold and giving him the bird. Bela decided there didn't need to be anymore excitement at the dinner table, she ate her fill and waived the waiter over.

"Yes Madam?" he asked formally.

"We are ready for the check please, all on one. He'll take it." She gestured to Dean who had yet to touch his food. The waiter nodded but his elbow was grabbed last minute but Lucifer.

"My good man please, bring the check to me. I couldn't allow these lovely people to pay for dinner."

Bela smiled graciously, not forgetting her manners for one moment, "Oh Luci please you don't need to."

"Hush my dear," He put his hand on hers, "It is the least I can do for you."

"You are too kind sir."She said forcing a small blush to enhance the innocence on the sentence.

He smiled again and Bela fought with every ounce of her being not to visibly shudder as he placed his hand on hers. 

Bela looked between the members of her party. Everyone looked quite solemn, she stole another glance at Lucifer who has definitely already picked up on it.

"I do apologize for my forwardness, however, has something happened? It seems as though everyone has left the table and come back intensely quiet." the well dressed man commented.

Bela dabbed at her mouth, "Honestly, it seems as though some of us here are really bringing the mood down. And I cannot sit around and have that happen!"

Sam hid a grin looked up at Bela, then to Dean who met her gaze with a mirrored expression.

Bela noticed the stifled smiles, " What could possibly be so funny!"

Sam accidently let a bubble of laughter out but she quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Dean was rubbing one had over his mouth with a shit eating grin, himself trying not to laugh.

Bela looked over to Gabe and Cas who were looking confused as well, but it wasn't long before the laughter spread like an infection.

Bela huffed and crossed her arms, Lucifer also not looking very amused.

"Sorry Bels, it's just....." Dean trailed off trying to keep his composure, "for someone who can't sit around you seem to be doing a pretty good job at it." He finally burst out laughing. The other members of the table still unable to control their laughter looking at Dean as though his shit joke was the funniest thing in the world.

Bela rolled her eyes.

It wasn't even that funny, she thought to herself.

It took everyone a solid 5 minutes to compose themselves but everyone was seemingly back to normal. The waiter brought the check which Lucifer paid in cash for (a detail that Bela's keen eyes did not miss) and then stood up to head back to the limousine. 

*********I'm literally having such writers block for this fic... If you guys have anything inspiring or ways you want to see it play out or even theories for how you think it will play out let me know! I do have a couple tricks up my sleeve for this fic HOWEVER i'm totally lacking inspiration. I love this fic (it is my baby) but IM SO STUCK! --- xx NYX************

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