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Cas saw the man throw the knife into Dean's back after Dean obviously broke his nose.

"DEAN! No!" She screamed, tears threatened her eyes.

He looked at her confused for a split second then spun around and shot the dude in the freaking hip. The bang the gun made was probably the loudest noise she'd ever heard. She looked back down at Bela. She'd situated Bela's head so it was in her lap. She was healing Bela with her Grace. Cas' hands subtly glowed ice blue as her aura flowed into and healed Bela. Cas could feel that Bela was almost all healed, the blood was all gone and she regained normal brain patterns. But Castiel noticed something abnormal about Bela's brain patterns that her Grace wouldn't heal. Cas shook the thought from her head. She shifted Bela's almost completely healed head gently onto the asphalt and ran to Dean.

He was on his knees at this point, with the bloody knife in his hand. Cas stopped in front of his face.

"Dean... Dean.... Hey.. Hey... Look at me.. ok Dean listen to my voice. Focus... Stay with me." She said to him clearly. She put her hands on his wound. The knife had gone in deep and hadn't missed the major artery.

"Cas.... Castiel. Is Bela ok? Tell me she is going to be okay." Dean looked into Cas' eyes. Crystal blue met Emerald green. Tears fell from Cas' blue eyes. "No. no she'll be fine Dean, baby, worry about yourself. You will be ok. Okay. Bela is fine. You are fine. Just don't black out ok?"

"Cas. You are an angel. With black wings." Dean said casually as he was suffering from blood loss. Cas looked shocked, her wings. They were invisible to everyone but her, and they were black. The only black wings Anna, Gabe, Michael or Lucifer had ever heard of. The scary thing is that, only an Angel's soul mate can see their wings. 


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