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*************MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!************************************


This was bullshit. He couldn't believe what he was stuck in the middle of. Lucifer was talking about some random ass shit and Gabe was staring daggers into him. Dean thought he was pretty educated in the ways of the world but he never realized how good he had it when it came to family. He could tell by the sheer anger radiating off Gabe that he hated the man across from him. Dean would die for his family, any one of them. He couldn't even imagine hating them, although Bela did get on is nerves from time to time.

Dean turned his thoughts on the subject of Gabe's hate and tried to analyze him the way he'd been taught. His voice was low and reminded him of melted butter on potatoes. Bela would always remind him that low voices were often used to trick people's minds and that if a voice sounded enticing and the speaker has to breathe more often than you did in the same time the voice is a con tactic.

Dean counted the breaths Lucifer took in 30 seconds.

It was almost double the amount he had. He knew something was off about this guy, he was trying to con them... but... why? He was an angel too right? Shouldn't he be all harps and diapers?

Just then a noise like a static shot through his ear, he almost jumped but he played it off.

"Wolf, this is Princess. We got eyes on those two bogeys. They are definitely armed and here for us. I don't know why, but take care of 'em. We don't wanna make a scene in front of Lil' Red."

"Copy." Dean whispered in a snarl.

"What was that Dean-o?" Lucifer shot a smile at him that made the hair on the back of Dean's neck stand on edge. He did not like Lucifer calling him Dean-o, only one person does that and that was Gabe.

"Oh, nothing man. I am going to take a walk. I am getting a little light headed." Dean spoke as he stood up. He'd rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt a while before and was now glad he had. He was itching to bust some heads after the awkwardness that was this dinner.

Gabe stood up too, "I think I'll go with you. I need a cool down too."

Fuck, this is why they don't bring along people who aren't in the loop.

"Dude, stay here and keep you brother company. I will only be gone for like 5 minutes."

Gabe shot Dean a look of surprise followed closely by a look of disgust, "I am coming with you."

"Come on Gabe, don't you want some "one on one" time with your older bro?" Lucifer taunted.

Dean didn't want Gabe coming with, he didn't think that he could say anything to make him stay, which meant... God.... Dean had to do something he loathed more than anything, especially since he'd been itching for a fight.

Peaceful resolution. 

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