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The last thing she expected when they came back from the bathroom was that Gabe had gone with Dean. Fuck. Sam listened intently on the com line. Catching bits and pieces of their conversation. Her hands were sweating and her heart stopped every time she heard Dean yell at him to move

"Is anything the matter dear?" Lucifer asked her in a sickly-sweet voice.

Sam knew she had to play it off, "Oh I'm fine, just a little worried what those two are up to. Hopefully, Dean isn't trying to pull the big brother card on Gabe."

This caused everyone at the table to politely chuckle.

"My dear, if it is troubling you so, by all means, go check on them! I do believe they just went to clear their heads." Lucifer offered.

Sam looked at Bela, she nodded slightly. Sam stood up and walked off as elegantly as possible. She turned the corner out of sight and picked up her pace, slowly realizing she had no clue where they were. She walked toward the rear exit and when she turned to what could have only been Dean and Gabe she saw something she couldn't comprehend.

It was... it was like magic.

It reminded Sam of the scene in Shrek, during the wedding where Fiona gets lifted into the air with sparkles and comes down still an ogre... Dean was about 6 inches off the ground and slowly spinning as she watched all of his cuts and bruises heal and his torn dress shirt stitch itself back up. It was too much for Sam. She turned to Gabe who looked like a male model leaning against the bricks watching Dean like he was a hot pocket in a microwave.

Sam dropped her phone in sheer awe, the screen shattering as it hit the asphalt. Gabe's head snapped toward her, "Oh FUCK. Ok, Sam don't freak out. I am just healing him up a little after the fight. I know you probably have a lot of questions but-"

Sam held up one hand, "Gabe, I don't wanna know. Not right now at least. We have more important things to worry about."

He bent down and picked up her shattered phone, and as he stood back up it began to reassemble. By the time he was standing up straight it was as good as new. He handed it to her with a wink, "Be more careful next time."

At this point, the weird 'healing' thing Dean was in has disappeared and he walked over to them.

Both Winchesters looked at Gabe like he was an alien. Sam couldn't believe what she was seeing. Gabe was... a wizard?

Dean coughed, "Ok so I'm gonna save all my questions for later, but listen good Novak. I am gonna have a list."

Sam laughed at her brother, just happy that they were both safe.

"Gotcha... We should make it into a party. We should all get together and have a secret-spilling marathon. Because Winchester, let me tell you how nerve wracking it is to hear someone say grabbing a gun and bringing it to a gala is 'habit'." Gabe said.

Sam shrugged, "I'll bring the chips."

*****Sorry for taking so long to update!!! I have so much going on in life right now!! I'll definitly try to update a longer chapter ASAP!! I love you all and thank you so much for sticking with me through this craziness. xxx NYX*************

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